Ben Bernanke
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
Josh Safran
American University
Reuben Smith-Vaughn
The National Association of Colleges and Employers
Federal Reserve Chairman
June means one more big test for many students finishing college -- a test of the job market. Wish them luck. Americans age 20 to 24 faced an unemployment rate in May of 14.7%. That was 5% points higher than the national rate. This week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said his "best guess" i…
六月份对大学毕业生来说意味着另一场重大的考验——那就是在职场谋得一席之地。希望他们好运。今年5月,20-24岁的美国民众的失业率为14.7%,超出全国失业率5个百分点。 本周,美联储主席本·伯南克称他的“最佳构想”是能够看到经济的持续复苏。但因为就业机会增长的速度十分缓慢,他预计失业率在一段时间内仍会维持在较高水…