提示:Henry Paulson, Ben Bernanke
The president says he recognized that Americans were beginning to lose confidence in the country's financial system, and that's something had to be done. "The government needed to send a clear signal that we understood the instability could ripple throughout and affect the working people and the av…
布什总统表示,他已认识到,美国人民已渐渐开始对美国的金融系统失去信心,因此必须要行动了。 “政府需要清楚的表明,我们已知道目前的不稳定可能会继续蔓延并影响到普通工人、每个家庭,我们是不会让这种情况发生的。” 民主党总统候选人奥巴马表示,他支持布什政府中财政部长保尔森和美联储委员会主席伯南克为解决…