Monteverdi 蒙特威尔第
Florence 佛罗伦萨
Daphne 达芙妮
Jacopo Peri 雅克布 佩里
arias 咏叹调
Mozart 莫扎特
Austrian 奥地利
You've been listening to that music for ages, what is it? It's an opera, composed by Monteverdi. Oh, it's by Monteverdi. It's too old for me! Who invented it anyway? Opera was invented by a group of wealthy people in Florence, who wanted to reproduce ancient Greek dramas. Wasn't the first real opera Daphne, by Jacopo Peri, written over 400 years ago? Yes, it was. I'm surprised you know that. Peri's opera is lost, because there were no music publishers then, but we know it existed because so many people wrote comments about the performance of Daphne. So, Monteverdi started after this, changing the form into the modern style we know today. He added arias allowing the singers to express the emotions of their characters, and to show off their singing abilities. Right, and later on other composers added many other things. For example, chorus parts, dances and instrumental parts. After this, opera grew and changed in many ways. It comes from Italy, right? I mean, all of these composers were Italian, but Mozart was Austrian.