Experts say that open source software is not only good for Africa because it is free, but also because it allows users to make changes to the source code, which in itself can provide a lesson in technology. Derek Keats is a professor at the University of Western Cape in South Africa. He says free a…
专家们说开源软件对非洲有益,不仅因为它的免费使用,而且因为可以允许用户改变源代码,这点本身就等于提供技术课程。 德莱克.济慈是南非西好望角省大学的一名教授。他说免费开源软件对于普通人、非政府组织(NGOs)和中小型企业(SMMEs)的影响最大。 “我认为免费开源软件真正成功的关键在于设想所有在非洲发生的较小规模…