"By having access to the source code it gives them power they would not otherwise not have. And that power, when you do not have access to the source code, is taken away from you. How do we make people understand that free and open source software is as much about democracy as it is about technology…
“有权使用源代码让他们拥有通常不会有的能力。当你没有访问源代码时,你的这种权力就被剥夺了。我们怎么让人们知道免费的开源软件不仅关乎技术,而且也和民主有关呢?” 与会的政府官员说,他们希望免费的开源软件让他们更多的使用计算机,以增加工作效率,长此以往,节省开销。学生说他们希望通过学习源代码的编写,能让他…