National Historic Place
Lower East Side Tenement Museum
校稿 聆风暮雪
翻译 sunny_hnu
组长 _香阳洋洋_
History experts say more than half the people in New York lived in tenements in 1863. The building at 97 Orchard Street shows the kind of spaces where families lived. The front room was the largest. It was the only one with a window. Behind it were a kitchen for cooking and a small bedroom for sleep…
历史学家指出,在1863年,纽约超过一半的人口居住在廉租公寓中。 果园街97号重现了当时的公寓布局。客厅最大,也是唯一有窗子的房间。穿过客厅就是厨房和一件小卧室。这种公寓没有自来水、浴室、卫生间和淋浴设施。后院有六处供丢弃生活垃圾的垃圾池,旁边就是唯一提供饮用水的地方。这种不卫生的环境导致了疾病的传播。 多…