校稿 瞥未草青 翻译 苹果不语 组长 莜珍 Hints: Super Bowl XLV; National Football League Commissioner; Roger Goodell; North Texas; Jeffrey Baldwin; Customs and Border; Protection Agency; Cowboy Stadium; Arlington
The presence of U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at major events like the Super Bowl is part of an increased security effort in place since the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. "We've probably got approximately 150 officers, and agents, and airmen out amongst our complex." Alon…
自从2001年9•11恐怖分子袭击以后,美国海关和边防特警在类似美国橄榄球超级联赛这种大型活动中到场执勤就成了加强安保措施的一部分。 “我们团队中包括了约150名工作人员、特警和飞行员。” 和其他执法部门的工作人员一起,海关和边防特警在美国出席人数最多、最受关注的比赛上执勤。 鲍尔温承认工作人员无法用扫…