Independence Day
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
John Kerry
Dmitri Medvedev
Vladimir Putin 
校稿 蓝色三叶草
翻译 michellexxx
组长 蓝色三叶草
Much of Pakistan faces more storms in the coming days. Heavy rains have already caused more than 2 weeks of record flooding. Health officials worry about disease spreading because of a lack of clean drinking water. The United Nations wants $460,000,000 to provide immediate help to 14,000,000 people …
未来几天,巴基斯坦的大部分地区会遭遇更大的暴风雨。暴雨所导致的史上最大洪水持续时间已经超过了两周。卫生官员担心缺乏清洁的饮用水会使疾病蔓延。 联合国需要向1400万受灾民众提供4600万美元的紧急援助。本周在联合国提出该呼吁之时,预计死亡人数已达到1600人。 巴基斯坦驻联合国大使称洪水可能限制本国今年的经济增长…