John Henry
校稿 龙猫08
翻译 wintervest
组长 莜珍
People still talk about the night John Henry was born. It was dark and cloudy. Then, lightening lit up the night sky. John Henry's birth was a big event. His parents showed him to everyone they met. John Henry was the most powerful looking baby people had ever seen. He had thick arms, wide shoulders…
人们仍在谈论约翰·亨利的出生之夜。那晚阴云密布,昏暗无光。随后闪电撕开了夜空。他的出生非比寻常。其父母向遇到的所有人介绍这个孩子。约翰·亨利也是人们所见过的最强壮的孩子。他有着粗壮的手臂,宽阔的肩膀以及健硕的肌肉。他在一天大的时候便开始成长。而直到他长成最强壮的人之后仍在继续长大。 在约翰·亨利生活的…