原文标题:College senior solves major math problem
官网日期:10-17-2011 08:48 BJT

Ramsey's Theorem
Liu Lu
Central South University
Applied Mathematics



Whole the world of mathematics is a world of mystery for most of us and Ramsey's Theorem is just one of the reasons why. It was discovered by a British mathematician back in the 1990s, have 20 years many of the world's geniuses have tried to solve it but they failed not upon till now. Liu Lu is from Liaoning Province, he was admitted to Central South University in 2008 and majors in Applied Mathematics. Last August, he spent one week devoted to the Ramsey's Theorem and believed he had managed to prove it. He wrote a letter to the famous international journal on mathematics and quickly received a reply. The letter from the famous journal says they were very surprised by the achievement of such a young student. For Liu Lu, who'll graduate soon from college, the journey to the mathematical world has just begun.
对于我们大多数人来说,数学界充满了各种神秘,而拉姆齐定理便是其中之一。上世纪九十年代,一位英国数学家提出了该定理。在接下来这二十多年里,世界各地的天才都争相尝试解答这个难题,但无人成功,直到刘路出现。 刘路来自辽宁省,是中南大学2008级应用数学专业的一名学生。去年八月,他用了一周的时间来钻研拉姆齐定理,确信自己找到了推出这一定理的办法。他致函国际著名数学期刊,很快就收到了回复。 权威人士在该回函中表示,他们感到非常惊讶,一名年纪轻轻的学生竟能取得如此惊人的成果。而对于即将大学毕业的刘路来说,通向数学圣殿的旅程才刚刚开始。