"I didn't ask for this"
Roger Sims
"Fat Guy Gets Owned"
Now it's time for "I didn't ask for this". Hello, I'm Roger Sims and welcome to "I didn't ask for this." -- a show to support people whose lives have been ruined because of embarrassing videos of them on the Internet. I'd like to take a second to introduce my producer Pierre, because I couldn't do the show without him. My pleasure, Roger. As most of you are aware by now, I gained some unwanted notoriety due to the popularity of an extremely embarrassing video that was posted on the Internet for the world to see. Let's roll the clip. These mazes are so hard. And these are narrow. Why? Why did you do that? That's not funny at all. Why did you do that to me? Why did you do that? See? That's not funny, not even in the slightest! Go to the serious cam. I'm serious. Why? Why do people think it's OK to laugh at this. I don't see the humor. My name is Roger Sims, not "Fat Guy Gets Owned". I didn't ask for this.