
S: And how much percentages of your success you think is due to promotion.

P: Promotion, that's a strange question. It's like somebody suggested that if you promote that, you must be successful. I never believe that. I work at record company and I know the fact that we can take TV adverts all over the world(to promote it). If the record is shit, people still don't like. And I think it's same with DJ. Ultimately, it dose not matter how much you promote. When you are going to a club, you are going to be good. People got to feel it. If they feel good, they will book you. In the world now, there are two things going on. You got a celebrity world, big figures on TV. But it is false. It is like cocaine television that excites everything and speeds everything up. Actually, there's nothing to it. On the other hand, the thing that is really real can be something that is successful. So we stay in the UK in the last 6 years reviving the album sales of the album artists, not necessarily singles. I think the Internet is a great thing. It is liberalizing. Young people on it can find something that is real. But the thing I have to agree to is that they like celebrities. I mean you can hype a DJ. But ultimately, you have experience the DJ in the club. You're gonna hang out to bars and pay your money. If you don't have great experience in the club, you're not coming back. You can propose to people to experience that kind of DJ. He likes it, he keeps listening to it. I do TVs as well. But I can't just read the scripts and pick the songs. I need to be involved in the editorial.  



S: That's strange, you've been working with the media, but you don't use a lot of publicity for your music.

P:I don't know why. Maybe because I have been on the radio promoting everybody else's music.



S: And what do you do out of music

P: I've got a kid and a wife and I read and cycle. I mean I love these. I feel that I enjoy traveling which is the candy of this job, I think.



S: And book?

P: Yes, I would read psychological books at the moment; I used to enjoy reading biography.



S: So enjoy your trip in shanghai and thank you for your time.

P: Thank you.




浩室舞曲:HOUSE是於八十年代沿自 DISCO发展出来的跳舞音乐。 这是芝加哥的DJ玩出的音乐, 他们将德国电子乐团Kraftwerk的一张唱片和电子鼓(Drum Machine)规律的节奏 及黑人蓝调歌声混音在一,House就产生啦~ 一般翻译为"浩室"舞曲,为电子舞曲最基本的型式,4/4拍的节奏, 一拍一个鼓声,配上简单的旋律,常有高亢的女声歌唱. DISCO流行后,一些DJ将它改变,有心将DISCO变得较为不商业化, BASS和鼓变得更深沈, 很多时变成了纯音乐作品,即使有歌唱部分也多数是由跳舞女歌手唱的简短句子,往往没有明确歌词。 渐渐的,有人加入了LATIN(拉丁)、 REGGAE(瑞格源在西印度群岛)、 RAP(说唱)或 JAZZ(爵士)等元素, 至八十年代后期, HOUSE冲出地下范围,成为芝加哥、纽约及伦敦流行榜的宠儿。

为什么会叫"House"呢?就是说只要你有简单的录音设备,在家里都做得出这种音乐~House也是电子乐中 最容易被大家所接受的.



Electro:早在70年代末,80年代初,那时还没有House,Techno...这类玩意儿,电子音乐也较不盛行,只有Electro这类电子音乐而已. Electro可说是纯粹以电子合成器(Synthesizer,长得有点像Keyboard)来发声的音乐,通常蛮轻柔的,且常使用Roland公司的鼓机(Drum Machine)TR-808来发鼓声.德国的Kraftwerk乐团可算是代表. 现在的Electro音色比以前明亮,透明许多.后来一些DJ利用Electro变形成了一种Hip-Hop乐,被称作Old School.现在的Fatboy Slim(流线胖小子)也融合了一些Electro和Old School在音乐中。