Oprah receives 'unimaginable' Oscar at Governors Awards
奥普拉喜获奥斯卡 连呼不可思议

Oprah Winfrey has deservingly won an honorary Oscar at the Governors Awards.

On Saturday evening, the Television mogul received the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. She was awarded for her charitable work.

After receiving the award, the 57 year old Winfrey gushed:“I never imagined myself receiving an Oscar, certainly not for doing what I believe is a part of my calling, a part of my being. It’s unimaginable that I would be standing before you, voted by the board of governors. So when I say thank you, the thank you comes from a place deeper even than I know, because it’s not just from me, it’s from everybody who made me possible.”

吉恩-赫肖尔特人道主义奖(Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award),又称琼-赫肖尔特人道主义奖,是为了纪念学院创始人之一琼·赫肖尔特(1886~1956)而设立的,他曾任第11届院长,为使学院摆脱困境曾做出巨大的努力。这是一个始于1956年的特别奖项。这个奖主要奖励电影人在慈善和人道主义上的贡献,不定年颁发的。此奖项从1956年创设以来,一直没有变动。它由学院理事会决定,授予“为给电影事业带来信誉而做出人道主义努力的电影事业人士”,规定每届只有一名获奖者,而且只有完全够条件者才能评上,曾有几届因为没有合适的人选而空缺。