
高考听力测试中的独白部分主要考查考生对短文听力的把握能力。一段独白配置3~4道问题, 有的针对独白的细节, 有的针对对独白的整体把握。

独白的难度比对话大, 首先是因为独白的信息量比较大(每篇独白大约150~300个词), 是对话的几倍甚至十几倍。其次, 由于独白具有鲜明的英文写作的特点, 在语法和句子结构的难度上都有所加深。同时独白的内容广泛, 题材丰富, 所以要求应试者不仅要有较高的理解能力, 而且要熟悉英文写作的特点, 有较宽的知识面。

1. 对话主要是考查情景会话中对语意的理解; 独白主要是考查对文章大意及重要细节的理解。

2. 对话中每道题的内容是独立的; 而每篇独白后的几个问题有一定的联系, 往往是某一主题的几个方面。

3. 对话中暗示题比较多, 需要经过推理、 联想、 计算和判断, 才能得出正确的答案; 独白主要是考听和记, 虽然有时需要概括全文的中心思想, 但只要听懂大意, 记住主要细节, 就可以选择正确的答案。

4. 对同样的提问, 独白和对话回答的要求有时不同。例如where问句, 对话要求判断对话的场所, 而独白则要求直接回答独白中出现的地点。

因此, 除了对话部分的某些听力技巧也适用于独白外, 根据独白的特点, 还有一些规律可循。本章将从四个方面介绍独白的解题技巧。


Good morning, everybody. This time I’ll read a letter to you.

Dear Lucy,

Christmas is coming soon. The radio station is playing Christmas music, and the stores are very busy. People are doing their Christmas shopping. Many families have Christmas trees in their homes already. We are going to buy our tree a few days before Christmas.

At this time of the year, we make or buy presents for our families. I am going to buy a record for my elder brother. He listens to music all the time. I am going to make a toy for my little brother.
Our family is usually together on Christmas Day. My elder brother lives in another town, but he always drives his car here. Last year, however, he didn?蒺t come because it was snowing very hard and the roads were too dangerous. We all felt sad.

I hope we are going to be together again this year. My elder brother is going to arrive before Christmas Eve. Then we are going to put up the tree in the living room and put the presents under the tree. We won’t open them until Christmas morning.

Do you celebrate Christmas in your country? Write soon.



这封信明显在讲述圣诞的活动。同学都对西方传统节日圣诞节非常熟悉, 相信抓住这篇文章的关键并不难。联想在听力测验中十分重要, 如果在听时紧张, 主要内容没有记住, 也不要着急, 联想一下自己过圣诞时的场景, 必定会有所收获。

1. What are the people busy with before Christmas?
A. Doing Christmas shopping.
B. Calling on their friends.
C. Doing general cleanings.

2. What is Elizabeth going to buy for her elder brother?
A. A record. B. A watch C. A toy.

3. Why did Elizabeth feel sorry for Christmas last year?
A. She was ill.
B. Her elder brother didn’t come.
C. She didn’t get any presents.

4. Who do you think Elizabeth is writing to?
A. Her brother. B. A classmate. C. A pen friend.

[答案] A A B C


1) 经常将不定的时间, 或虚构的、 不确定的人物置于故事的开头, 考生听到开头的一两句话, 便可确定文章的题材为故事。

2) 经常通过人物的语言来交代事情的经过、 情节的发展和人物的思想活动。这些语言对理解故事的情节和人物的思想感情起了很重要的作用, 因此也就常常成为考查与提问的重点。

3) 故事不仅仅向听者讲述已经发生的事情, 更重要的是通过丰富的想像力和一些不同寻常的情节给人留下风趣幽默和耐人寻味之处, 这就是故事的内涵, 也常常是最后一个问题的提问内容。
