

在校时间 作业时限 假日安排 课外活动

过  去 …… …… 周末和节假日补课 少而乏味

现  在 不超过7个半

小时 不超过1个半

小时 不补课 丰富多彩,如:打球,


你的看法 ……

要求:1.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地 名;


3.参考词汇:补课have extra classes

Great changes have taken place in our school since the government did something to control school management. In the past, we stayed in our school for nine hours every day. We had lots of homework and had extra classes at weekends. Our after—school activities were few and boring.

But now, we stay at school for less than seven and half an hours. We do homework for less than one and half an hours. It’s very exciting not to have extra classes on holidays. Our after—school activities are very colourful, such as playing balls, singsing, dancing, drawing and so on.

We are very happy to do like this. It is very important for the students to change our study habits.

I think we could be interested in study.