1. Have a Picnic (去野餐): Picnics are an awesome way to relax on a summer day. Pack some of your favorite foods from the fridge, bring your iPod (with speakers), and enjoy spending one-on-one time together while soaking up some sunshine.

2. Ride Your Bikes (骑自行车): Bike rides are a great way to get outdoors and enjoy the day. Look for local trails and ride them all!

3. Find a Drive-in Movie (See Note 1)(去露天汽车电影院): These can be hard to come by but many towns still have drive-ins around the area. This is a great way to create a more unique experience to the usual movie date.

NOTE 1 | A drive-in movie theatre requires the audience to sit in a car, while facing a large outdoor screen. Customers use their radio in order to listen to the audio from the movie. It makes moving watching very intimate, cozy, and private.

4. Hit (See Note 2) the Museum (去博物馆): Museums might sound boring, but you'll be surprised how much fun it can be discussing works of art, or seeing limited-time-only exhibits! Some museums even have interactive exhibits for you and your guy to really get involved in. The best part? Most museums offer free days, late-night, or special prices for students!

NOTE 2 | To hit the Museum, or any other destination does not mean to physically beat the place. It is a slang that means, "to go to." Example: "Let's hit the beach."

5. Attend an Outdoor Concert (去看户外的演唱会): Lots of parks and local venues offer free concerts throughout the summer. Lots of times they're part of festivals and other fun events. If you want to spend a bit more money and see some of your favorite bands on tour this summer, outdoor concerts usually have lawn seats at much cheaper prices!

What is your favorite summer activity? What summer dates are you most looking forward to (see Note 3) planning?

NOTE 3 | ''To look foward to" means '期待' in Chinese.