
The God asks a crying girl what makes her so sad. The girl answers, “he left me.” “Then tell me are you still in love with him?” The girl nods her head violently. “Is he still in love with you?” Hearing this, the girl cries. “Then it is him who should be weeping, because what you lost is someone who doesn’t love you, but he lost someone deeply in love with him.” God says with a smile.


“You come here at such a young age. Don’t you regret?” God asks the young ghost. “Yes, I do. I saw many things when I jumped off the building. At the tenth floor, I saw a couple that was going to divorce; at the eighth floor, I saw a middle-aged couple that just lost their jobs; at the sixth floor, I saw a man who lost his legs because of an accident…I finally realized that their life was way much worse than mine, but they carried on…but it’s too late. I hit the ground hard.”

译者小注2:沉沉落地也不能字面翻译,而应该采取变相表示,否则不合英语表达习惯,所以用hit the ground比较合适。

21. 一个苦者对和尚说:“我放不下一些事,放不下一些人。” 和尚说:“没有什么东西是放不下的。”他说:“可我就偏偏放不下。”和尚让他拿着一个茶杯,然后就往里面倒热水,一直倒到水溢出来。苦者被烫到马上松开了手。和尚说:“这个世界上没有什么事是放不下的,痛了,你自然就会放下.“I just can’t let go. ”a young man asks the wise man for help. And the wise man answers, “Nothing in the world deserves you to do so.” “While, I just can’t, and I really need help.” The young man says. The wise man asks him to get a cup, and then he starts to pour hot water into the cup. The hot water fills up the cup and comes out of it. Scalded by the hot water, the young man drops the cup immediately. “See? When you feel the pain, you’ll let it go.” says the wise man.

译者小注1:放不下就是can't let go,而且文首文尾保持一致,可以比较接近原文的表述。




