Does the world need iMessage? My instinct is to be skeptical about a messaging system that requires me to give much thought to what sort of device the person on the other end is using. We'll see.

Will the split keyboard catch on? Divvying up an onscreen keyboard into left- and -righthand sides to make for easier thumb-typing is a very old idea. I associate it with Samsung's Q1 UMPC from five years ago, and Microsoft showed a variation in its Windows 8 preview last week. So far, it's felt quirky rather than mainstream. But Apple likes to avoid the quirky, so I take its inclusion in iOS 5 as a sign that Apple thinks a lot of people will like it. (Now, can we get Swype?)
对开键盘会流行吗?将触屏键盘一分为二成左右手键盘以使拇指输入更便捷已经是老生常谈了。我用三星的Q1超级移动个人电脑已经5年了,而上周微软在win 8预览中展示了对该技术的变革。目前,这看起来很非主流。但是苹果一项擅长让非主流成为主流,因此我从iOS 5系统中得出的结论就是,苹果有信心让人们爱上键盘对开式电脑。

What should we read into iOS's embrace of Twitter? I like to tweet from my iPhone, so it's a pleasing development. But should we try to parse its greater meaning? Is there any reason why it wasn't Facebook that got baked into Apple's OS, or might that come along in iOS 6? Is there now an Apple-Twitter alliance that's a mightier Facebook competitor than if the two companies were going it alone, with more signs of the partnership to come?
从iOS 6于Twitter的联袂中我们能读出什么?我喜欢用iPhone发微博,所以我觉得这项发明很不错。但是这其中是否有什么弦外之音呢?为什么内置进OS系统的不是Facebook?以后是否会考虑添加?是否两家企业强强联手是为了合力对付Facebook?

Why no straightforward music subscription service a la Rhapsody, Napster, Rdio, Slacker, and Mog? Is it a business Apple isn't interested in pursuing? Or can it not sign the music-label deals it wants?
为什么年订阅音乐服务不包含la Rhapsody, Napster, Rdio, Slacker, 以及Mog这几家在线音乐网站呢?难道是因为苹果对该领域不甚感兴趣?或者这些网站无法迎合其音乐品味?

Will people pay twenty-five bucks a year for iTunes Match? It's the return of one of Lala's best features, the ability to automatically unlock songs you already own in an online collection. Lala offered it for free. Then again, $25 a year is slightly over two bucks a month–pretty darn close to free if it's useful.

Got any thoughts about any of these issues–or questions of your own? (I know I'm going to have more questions–the more I think about all of yesterday's news, the less I'm clear on all of its implications…)