Life is a series of 'gaps'

Pre-university gaps, during and post-university gaps, careergaps, pre and post-baby gaps, post-wedding gaps, pre-retirement gaps- the list goes on. From the age of 18, people will now become 'serial gappers' as they head through each life stage, taking a 'gap' to prepare themselves for the transition ahead. The result will be a change in the mentality of society, away from the 'live to work, work to live' routine of a slow climb up a career ladder to a more exciting life path which simply involves doing what they enjoy in life and achieving that dream.

有人在Gap Year开始了自己的旅途 ,有人在旅途上不断的摸索去追寻自己的梦,有人也因此实现了自我。

Matt, 一个追梦的人。曾经就职于一家视频游戏公司,每天按部就班的生活工作着,他以为自己就会这样过一辈子。直到有一天,他突然发现自己似乎不该这么生活下去。于是在2003年他辞去了澳洲的工作,用自己赚来的钱开始了自己的Gap Year-全球之旅。Matt在14个月访问了超过43个国家,每到一地就与当地人一起欢乐起舞,并且录制下来传到网上。谁曾想到,Matt因其独特的舞蹈红遍了网络,不同地方的人们随着他在世界的不同角落继续起舞。

Life is short. Why waste your time doing things you don't enjoy?!