Do you have trouble remembering names at parties? It may because your having too good a time. Scientists researching the relationship between mood and the memory have found being in a good mood decreases your ability to retain information. Awkward: Can't remember a new name at a dinner party? It may be because you're enjoying yourself, according to a new study Elizabeth Martin, a doctoral student from the University of Missouri, led the latest study into working (immediate) memory.
你在和亲朋好友们的聚会party上记忆力好么?被誉为社交场合上的“花蝴蝶”是的的确确存在么?好事的科学家们经过研究又得出结论:玩得越 high,您的记忆力会越差!好心情与个人的记忆力是呈现反比态势增长的,也就是说,心情越来越好的时候,脑子会越来越容易忘事。根据一项来自密苏里大学博士生Elizabeth Martin的研究证实,人在尽情忘我享受美好时光的时候,记忆力是十分差的,特别是“即时记忆力”奇弱无比。

She said of her findings: 'This explains why you might not be able to remember a phone number you get at a party when you are having a good time. 'This research is the first to show that positive mood can negatively impact working memory storage capacity. This shows that although systems in the brain are connected, it is possible to affect one process but not others.'

However Ms Martin said: 'While working memory storage is decreased, being in a good mood is not all bad.'Being in a good mood has been shown to increase creative problem-solving skills and other aspects of thinking.' The doctoral student added that future research should analyse the impact of mood on working memory storage capacity in real life situations, such as in a classroom setting.
研究人员Ms Martin 说:“工作记忆存储的能力虽然经过证实在人的心情大好的时候会降低,但是好心情并不全是误事的!好心情虽然不能让您记忆力倍增,但是可以提高解决问题的创造力,以及提高思维的效率能力。”