1garden n. 花园

What kind of vegetables do you grow in your garden?你在花园里种哪一种蔬菜?

2 hole n. 洞;破洞

There’s a hole in my new pair of jeans.我的新牛仔裤破了个洞。

3neighbor  n. 邻居

Our neighbor likes to listen to loud music.我们的邻居喜欢大声听音乐。

4 peer v. 凝视;盯着看

If youpeer over the edge, you will see how far down the water is.如果你从旁边望过去,就会明白水往下流得有多远。

5cheeky-faced adj. 厚脸皮的

The man didn’t believe the cheeky-faced child, even though the child was telling the truth.就算那个厚脸皮的小孩说的是实话,那个人还是不相信他。

6youngster n. 小孩

At our school, all our youngsters get the proper exercise they need.我们学校替所有的小孩安排各自适合的运动。

7 polite adj. 有礼貌的;客气的

It is polite to say please if you want something.对别人有所要求时,“请”说个字才有礼貌。

8goldfish n. 金鱼

Our goldfish grew to be four inches long, then our turtle ate him.我们的金鱼长到四英寸长时,被家里的乌龟给吃了。

9 tearful adj. 流泪的;哭泣的

The man wrote a tearful poem for his dying wife.那个人为他死去的妻子写了首叫人鼻酸的诗。

10bury v. 埋葬

Let us bury the past.以前种种譬如昨日死。

11concerned adj. 担心的

The neighbors are concerned that your dogs might be rabid.邻居担心你的狗患有狂犬病。

12 awful adj. 极糟的;十分的

This soup tastes awful.这汤很难喝。

13pat v. 轻拍

The dog liked to be patted on its head.这条狗喜欢别人轻拍它的头。

14 heap n. (一)堆;大量;许多

Add three heaping spoonfuls of sugar to the mix.加三大匙糖进去搅一搅。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译