Listen 听一听

Exercise 练一练

1. What is a bad hair day?

a) a day when your hair is a mess

b) a day when everything goes well

c) a day when everything goes wrong

2. What 5 things happened to Nina on her bad hair day?

Script 读一读

You’re listening to British Council’s English Online and I’m Nina.

Today on Language Snacks we take a look at the expression bad hair. Let’s listen to the dialogue.
今天的语言小点心呢我们来学习bad hair 这个短语,一起来听下下面这段对话。

A: What’s the matter Sam? You look upset.

B: Oh, it’s nothing, I’m just having a bad hair day – everything’s going wrong.

Do you ever have days when nothing seems to be going right? Well, I’m sure you do - in English you can call this a bad hair day.
你是否也有过觉得什么事情都不对劲的时候?我想你肯定有过,英语里可以说这是a bad hair day,坏发型日。

Anyway, this morning I overslept, then I was late for work and missed an important meeting, then I left my mobile phone in the restaurant at lunchtime and just before I spilt coffee on my new skirt – this is a real bad hair day!

And that’s it for now – join us again for some more Language Snacks

You’ve been listening to English Online – the podcast for English learners in China.

Key 参考答案

1. c) a day when everything goes wrong

2. She overslept, was late for work, missed an important meeting, left her mobile phone in the restaurant at lunch time and then spilt coffee on her new skirt.

