为何“宇宙”的英文单词为 universe?人生的“逆境”为adversity?为甚么“颠覆”传统或政体用subvert?描述“多才多艺的”人或“多功能的”机械用versatile?

英语中带有vers或vert词根的字汇相当的多,这两个拉丁词根虽然外形稍异,但意义相同,都在表达“旋转、翻转、转向、变成”(turn)之意。因此,“宇宙”(universe)的原意就是万物“变成、合为”(vers = turn into)“一体”(uni = one);“逆境”就是无数 "困顿"(hardships)与 "灾难"(disasters)在“袭击”(ad + vers = against + turn = turn against)人们的一种状态,所以称为adversity;“颠覆”传统或体制必须要暗从“底下”(sub=under)加以“翻转”(vert=turn)才能奏效,故用subvert;而人的“多才多艺”与机器的“多功能”系指某人或机器能够随时“转换、改变”(vers = change)其 "技能"(skill)或 "功能"(function),故两者皆用同一描述词versatile。

接下来我们来认识vers 与vert 如何与其它“词素”结合,形成可以独立使用的符号-单词:
1. universe n. (uni + vers = one + turn = all things turned into one) 宇宙;万有
2. adversity n. (ad + vers = against + turn = the condition of being turned against)逆境;苦难
3. versatile adj.(vers + ile = turn + able = able to turn from one skill to another)多才多艺的;多功能的;易变的
4. convert v.(con + vert = together + turn = turn together to the same belief or turn from one belief to another;change into another form)皈依;改变信仰;转换

1.No one knows exactly how the universe(= cosmos)has evolved
2.My mother met with many adversities throughout her life.
3.I bought a versatile kitchen machine last month.
4.After three months of contemplation she converted to Buddhism.