e n. 命运

My fortune cookie says that I will live long and have a happy life.签饼上说我会长寿,而且过得很幸福。

eteller n. 算命师

The fortuneteller had a crystal ball and wore a crown of jewels.那个算命师有个水晶球,而且头戴宝石王冠。

adj. 有蹼的

Ducks have webbed feet to help them swim.鸭子的脚长有游泳用的蹼。

n. 手掌

To give someone five, extend your palm out andallow them to smack it.要和别人击掌,就把手掌打开然后互击。

n. 池塘

Our backyard has a pond.我们家后院有座池塘。

an n. 一年级新生;新鲜人

The first year in College is your freshman year.大学第一年就是新鲜人。

y n. 生物学

I have to study for my biology test.我得准备生物学考试。

n. 课

Would you like take a dance class with me?你要和我一起上舞蹈课吗?



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译