距离2023年英语专八考试越来越近啦,大家准备的如何?为了帮助各位考生更好地备考专八考试,@沪江英语四六级 微信公众号在考前为大家整理了专八翻译预测。一起来看看吧!




A man who does not love himself, I can tell, will be of little significance to others, and in no way will he develop high-quality social interactions. His going to others only means an intrusion and an assault. The quality of all relationships depends on the quality of the persons involved. Only between two people who have fulfilling souls can truly touching love and friendship have much chance to exist.


1. 画线部分第一句比较长,句子主语是“一个连自己也不爱的人”,谓语是两个并列成分“不会有多少价值”和“不可能有高质量的社会交往”,“我敢断定”译为插入语。主语可以翻译为定语从句“A man who does not love himself”;“我敢断定”可以翻译为I can tell、I bet、I do not doubt或I am sure;“不会有多少价值”翻译为worthless、be worth little、not worth much或have little value;“高质量的”可以翻译为high-quality,作前置定语修饰“社会交往”,也可以把“高质量的”翻译为后置定语修饰“社会交往”,即social interactions of high quality。

2. 画线部分第二句是一个简单句,主语是“他跑到别人那里去”这一行为,因此可以翻译为动名词作主语,即his going to others。本句的翻译难点是“打扰”和“侵犯”,“打扰”可以翻译为intrusion或interruption,“侵犯”可以翻译为assault或invasion。

3. 画线部分第三句也是一个简单句。“交往”此处指“人际关系”,可译为relationships;“取决于”有多种译法,如depend on、lie in、hinge on和be up to。

4. 画线部分最后一句,根据句式结构“唯有……才……”可知,本句宜翻译为倒装句,将“only+介词短语”置于句首,主句采用部分倒装。“两个灵魂充实丰富的人”可以翻译为定语从句two people who have fulfilling souls或“名词+介词短语”结构two people with fulfilling souls;“才可能有……”中的“有”可以翻译为there be结构,也可以翻译为exist,整体翻译为“can…have chance to exist”或“can there be…”;“真正动人的爱情和友谊”翻译为truly touching love and friendship。




What is life? What are the true nature, meaning and purpose of life? Since ancient times, scholars of religion and great philosophers have strained their energy and intellect to the limit for an answer to these crucial and central questions in life. But they are not alone. The best poets in the world have done the same by contemplating and pondering over the questions, delving into the depth of their souls. They envision Paradise through a flower and the meaning of life in a dewdrop. They, with their gifted words, picture a kaleidoscopic world and acts of the life drama. In the final analysis, their words serve no other purpose than revealing the truth and meaning of life.


1.  本文开头连用四个连续的排比疑问句,其中后三句分别问人生的真相,意义和目的,翻译时可将这三个方面合译,这样译文更简洁流畅。

2. “殚精竭虑”意为“用心精力,费劲心思”,可译作“strain energy and intellect to the limit。

3. “深入灵魂的幽邃”指“深入灵魂深处”。

4. “窥见”和“参悟”都有“想象”的意思。

5. “生花之笔”实质使人笔下的文字。

6. “幻现层层”指“不断变化的”。




In the recent one hundred years, Chinese has gone through a great change and so far no other language has been innovated in people’s pursuit of modernization. Since the end of the 19th century, translation has always been or played an increasingly important role in innovating Chinese. Some special means of expressions, so called “translationese”, produced during the process of translating foreign language into Chinese, have remarkable impact on standard Chinese language. Tanslationese refers to an unnatural and unidiomatic language style in translation and has affected the development of Chinese language in many aspects.


1.  第一句话叙述了汉语经历了发展变革,建议采用完成时态表达,如译为:Chinese has gone through a great change....。文章中多次提到“汉语”,可用Chinese 或 Chinese language 表达,避免重复。

2. “修葺”在这里是指“改革和创新”。

3. 第三句“翻译腔”的问题,该问题是在翻译过程中产生的,可对“翻译腔”做一定的解释,如处理为“some special means of expressions”, 译文表达更清晰。翻译整句话时,可将“翻译腔”提前做主语,“通过由外语到汉语的翻译产生的”处理为后置定语。“冲击”可用 have an impact on 表达。




Replying to letters is horrible, whereas not replying is by no means a matter of bliss. Normally a hundred or so letters are stacked on my bookshelf, with diverse maturity of debt, the longest being over a year. That kind of pressure is more than an ordinary sinner can bear. A stack of unanswered letters batters on me like a group of haunting ghosts and plays havoc with my smitten conscience. In principle, the letters are there for replaying to. I can swear in all honestly that I have never consciously determined not to answer letters.


1.  第一句“回信,固然可畏,不回信,也绝非什么乐事”,此句要正确理解“可畏”的意思,不是“敬畏”,而是“害怕”的意思。此外,“回信”与“不回信”两件事之间存在转折关系,故翻译时可用whereas 将两句连接起来。

2. “债龄”可翻译成“maturity of debt”。

3. “憧憧作祟”是指对“我”心灵的“打扰”和“扰乱”,可以翻译成“pester”或“play havoc with”。

4. “理论上来说”在文中不表示一些科学理论,因此不宜翻译成“theoretically”或“in theory”,此处可以翻译成“原则上”或“惯例上”,故可翻译in principle.

5. “在我清醒的时刻”可以翻译成时间状语,但会使得句子比较累赘,可直接翻译成“ consciously”。


唐代文豪白居易在西湖筑起白堤(Bai Causeway),西湖自从开启长约千年的景观营造过程。北宋苏轼的疏浚工程规模也很大,不仅修筑了苏堤,还留下了许多美妙诗篇,这也是日后西湖作为文人士大夫精神家园的源头。年复一年,代复一代,西湖经他们的妙笔点画后,真正成为与自然双重景观并存的文化名湖。有人把西湖解析成一个“正方体”,它有6个清晰的平面,其中就包括自然景观和文化史迹。


The long process of constructing the landscape of West Lake, which lasts more or less one thousand years, begins with Bai Juyi, a literary giant in the Tang Dynasty who built Bai Causeway in the lake. Later in the Northern Song Dynasty, the dredging project by the famous poet Su shi also had a great scale. The poet not only built Su Causeway, but also left many wonderful poems for the West Lake, which turned out to be the very explanation why West Lake later became the spiritual homeland for scholars and scholar-bureaucrats. Years after years, generation after generation, after the stippling by all those wonderful pens, West Lake now has truly become a famous lake with the coexistence of cultural and natural landscapes. West Lake is illustrated as a “cube” with six clear facets, among which are natural landscape and cultural historical relics.


1. 第一句以“白居易筑白堤”作起始引发事件,比较符合中国人的时间顺序的思维习惯,但在翻译时则应注意找到本段落所讨论的中心——西湖的建造,把它放在首句更符合英文文章开门见山的表达习惯。为达到以上的目的,可使定语从句,强调西湖建造之长,(如 which lasts... one thousand years)以及西湖白堤始建者白居易的重要身份(如 a literary giant... who built Bai Causeway in the lake)。“文豪”这个词也可以译作great writer, eminent writer 等。

2. 第二句的时间转移到北宋,句子较长,其实在概念上主语有两个,一个是苏轼的工程,另一个是苏轼本人,建议采用分译的方法,将该句译成两个独立的句子,以解释说明两个主语的性质和特点。在解释说明苏轼的工程时,可将译文重心放在“疏浚工程”,将dredging project 作为主语,其特点是“规模大”,可译作“had a large scale”。

3. 第二句对苏轼本人的说明中,“不仅建筑了苏堤,还留下了许多美妙诗篇”动作的主语是人,而非“工程”,所以分译时应补上主语the poet。另外后半句“日后西湖作为文人士大夫精神家园的源头”所指的是苏轼缩写的诗篇,而此处的“源头”较接近于“原因,理由”,可使用explanation进行翻译。“精神家园”可直译为spiritual homeland,文人士大夫可翻译成“scholars and scholar- bureaucrats”。

4. 在翻译“妙笔点画”时,可以原文的动词属性转变为名词属性,如“stippling of wonderful pen”。作定语的“文化与自然双重景观并存的”可用with 介词短语作为修饰语后置。

5. “解析”一词实为“解释说明”,可用“illustrate”进行翻译。6个面中包含有两个方面,可以用非限制性定语从句译出。




Economists’ independent personality does not mean anti-government or anti-institution. Nor does it mean that they should hold a critical eye for everything or attempt to win fame by striking and sensational talking. Independent personality shall be defined as “no confinement to books, no scare of authority but pursuit of truth”. Economists should not be tempted and controlled by profits or surrounding atmosphere, rather they should observe, judge, think and speak from the perspective of their specialties. They should base everything on their own thinking and not to be authority-oriented. They can be right or wrong, but their opinions should be their own thinking. They should not say things differently to cater for different people.


1.  “一批到底”是指“对什么事情都持批判的态度”,可翻译成hold a critical eye for everything。

2. “语不惊人死不休”可和“浪得虚名”合译,其中“死不休”为夸张手法,可省去不翻译,故翻译为“win fame by striking and sensational talking”。

3. “不唯书,不惟上、只惟实”的意思是“不要受限于书本内容,不要对上级权威畏惧,只追求事实和真理”,可翻译成“no confinement to books, no scare of authority but pursuit of truth.

4. “左右”是指“受控制”,可翻译成“control”。

5. “以权势为导向”可译为“authority-oriented”。

6. “看风使舵”、“见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话”可以解为“为迎合不用的人说不同的话”,合译成“say things differently to cater for different people”。




Shanghai is a region, but it is far more than that. Shanghai is a mega city where you have to pay fare of two or three hundred Yuan if you take a city from Pudong airport to Hongqiao airport, or from Jiading F1 stadium to Nanhui Luchao port at the foot of Gonghai Bridge. You would have traveled across two cities of you were in other places and accents here are of great difference. In China, there actually will be no city like Shanghai in which accents vary so widely. This is about Shanghai’s soil. But it is Shanghai’s water that composes Shanghai’s rising and subsiding humanistic structure with various types and forms.


1.  第一句中的“水土”可以理解为 a region,“上海又岂止是一方水土?”是一个设问句,表达的意思是“上海不仅仅是一方水土”,可用far more than ... 的句式表示。

2. “超级大城市”可以翻译为“super big city”,“megalopolis”, 或者“mega city”。

3. “出租车从……开到……,或者从……开到……,车费就要二三百”,可接上句“上海是一个大城市”处理为一个地点状语从句,以整合中文的零散句子。这句话是假设人们打车会产生很高的费用,可加you 为人称主语,增译处理为“ if you take a taxi from... to...”,以使得译文更加流畅。

4. “全国没有一个城市会像……口音变化这般大”中,此处的“变化”指“差别很大”,可译为“vary wifely”。

5. “上海的水”可采用“it is that...”强调句式进行翻译。该句中出现了中文中较为常见的四字成语,翻译时要注意拆分整合,可将“此起彼伏”作为“上海人文结构”的定语,“千姿百态”可以用“ with various types and forms”的介词短语做修饰语后置,避免译文定语过长,句子冗长。


我爱海,并不仅仅因为她的颜色美丽,和藏在海底那许多有趣的玩意儿,而是爱她的胸襟广阔,化污秽为清洁。她容纳无数的细流,尽管她们的颜色有黑的也有黄的,一旦流到了海的怀抱,立刻变成碧绿的了, 绿是代表和平,一种静美。一个人,哪怕他的脾气有如虎狼般那么凶暴,我相信如果长住在海滨,一定会变得和羔羊一样驯良。同时,那些心怀狭隘的人,如果常与海做朋友,我相信他也会改变成豪爽、痛快的性格。


I love the sea not only because she has beautiful hues and many interesting objects hidden deep, but also because she is broad and liberal enough to turn the dirty into pure. The numerous small rivers that she accommodates(容纳) may be black and yellow in color, but once they flow into her bosom, they instantly take on the green color, a color representing peace and tranquility. A person with a terrifying hot temper will become, I believe, as meek as lamb after a long stay by the seashore. Likewise, a narrow-minded person will become straightforward and openhearted if he often keeps company with the sea.


1.  需要翻译地第一句中“玩意儿”在表达上较为口语化,此处实指“事物”,不宜按字面意思译作“plaything”,应该作 “objects”。

2. “胸襟广阔,化污秽为清洁”,若分别翻译成两个动词词组,结构显得较为生硬,结合上下文可知,正是因为大海地“胸襟广阔”才使得其“化污秽为清洁”,故译作“broad and liberal enough to turn the dirty into the pure”。

3. 第二句“容纳”此处含有“接受和适应”的意思,故不译作accept, 而应该译作“accommodate”。“尽管她们的颜色”中的“她们”代指前文的“细流”,故可以合译为一句,将前文“她容纳的”整合成定语从句。

4. “脾气有如虎狼般那么凶暴“形容一个人的脾气差,译作“a terrifying hot temper”即可,由于中英文在文化意向上的差异,“如虎狼般”可以不必译出。“和羔羊一样驯良”在英文中同样有类似的俗语。直接翻译成“as meek as a lamb”即可(Meek 是形容词,指温顺的)。

5. “痛快的”是指“直率的”、“坦诚的”,和“心胸狭隘”相反,应应为“心胸开阔的”,即openhearted。




A curriculum schedule arranged reasonably is as good as a nutrition-balanced recipe in which every item is beneficial, indispensable and best chosen and cannot be neglected. The so-called elective subjects are only some limited options within a certain range. A well educated person is much like an opera performer by professional training who has to observe strict disciplines in studying the art of singing, acting and acrobatic skills earnestly and learn to play all kinds of roles well. Only after this all-round training can be develop the things he is specially good at and interested in. Studying needs foundation which, if solid and evenly, will benefit you all life long. 


1.  “合理编列”是指“合理安排”,译成arranged reasonably。

2. “不可再有选择”从正面译成no more option 很难与前文衔接,形成合适的句式,则可从反面译成“最佳选择” best chosen,与前文beneficial 和 indispensable 形成并列结构。

3. “科班出身”可理解为“受过正规培养和训练的”, 故“科班出身的戏剧演员”应译成 an opera performer by professional training.

4. “唱工做工”此处是针对戏剧演员的“唱”、“演”、“跳”等舞台技巧,可译为 art of singing, acting and acrobatic skills.

5. “永远受用”,即“终生受用”,译为benefit all life long 即可。




My tutor, who is of Asian origin, is addicted to cigarettes and alcohol and is hot-tempered. Despite this, he is highly appreciative of the diligence and the solid foundational knowledge of Asian students, and is particularly good at reading their minds. As a result, five out of the six students in his lab were of Asian origin, while only the sixth one was from Germany. On the door of the laboratory, he even put up a notice in bold writing, which read:” all research assistants in this lab are required to work between 10 am and 12 pm, 7 days a week, with all their heart and soul.” this tutor has got a reputation in the university for his strictness and rigor. During my three and half years’ stay there, only 5 out of the 14 students recruited into his lab were able to graduate with their doctoral degrees.


1. 第一句要注意用定语从句把汉语从句把汉语原文松散的短句和词组组织为译文的定语成分,以符合英语结构紧密的句法特征。可以使用……, who is ..., is....

2. 亚裔可以翻译成“be of Asian origin” 或“Asian”

3. 第二句要注意连接词”但”和“也”的译法,可分别译为 despite.../ but.../ nevertheless 等和and / also/... too等。

4. “了解……的心理“可以表达为read sb’s minds。

5. “因此”可以翻译为as a result/ hence/ therefore.

6. “除……,其余是……“不宜翻译成besides.. 等表示包含在内的词组,用except for 等表示”不包含在内”的词组比较合适,也可采用参考译文处的处理方法。

7. 第四句中,使用被动语态... be required to.. 可加强语气,表示“必须”。考虑到英语正好与汉语相反,有“从小到大,先部分后整体”的表达习惯,可将译文中的时间顺序处理为...work between 10am and 12pm, 7 days a week。

8. “醒目的招牌”宜意译,灵活处理为eye-catching(抢眼的)或in bold writing(用黑体字写的)。

9. “某人以某物出名“的适用句型有sb is famous/ reputed for sth.

10. “学生被招进实验室”可处理为英语的名词词组 students recruited into his lab.

11. 14位学生……只剩下5个人可以表达成 only 5 out of the 14 students...。




The first generation of museums are what might be called natural museums which, by means of fossils, specimens and other objects, introduced to people the evolutionary history of the Earth and various kinds of organisms. The second generation are those of industrial technologies which presented the fruits achieved by industrial civilization at different stages of industrialization. Despite the fact that those two generations of museums helped to disseminate/propagate/spread scientific knowledge, they nevertheless treated visitors merely as passive viewers.

The third generation of museums in the world are those replete with / full of wholly novel concepts. In those museums, visitors are allowed to operate the exhibits with their own hands, to observe and to experience carefully. By getting closer to the advanced science and technologies in this way, people can probe into their secret mysteries.




There are few words which are used more loosely than the word ‘civilization’. What does it mean? It means a society based upon the opinion of civilians. It means that violence, the rule of warriors and despotic chiefs, the conditions of camps and warfare, of riot and tyranny, give place to parliaments where laws are made, and independent courts of justice in which over long periods those laws are maintained. That is Civilization ---and in its soil grow continually freedom, comfort and culture. When Civilization reigns in any country, a wider and less harassed life is afforded to the masses of the people, the traditions of the past are cherished, and the inheritance bequeathed to us by former wise or valiant men becomes a rich estate to be enjoyed and used by all.




I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip, when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot, and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out.
Then for a little while the house feels huge and empty, and I wonder where my self is hiding. It has to be recaptured slowly by watering the plants, perhaps, and looking again at each one as though it were a person, by feeding the two cats, by cooking a meal. So that the self slowly recovered.


照相是一种既兼并客观世界,又表达独特自我的技术。照片描绘业已存在的客观现实,不过只有造相机才能揭示这种客观现实。照片反映个别摄影者的气质,这种气质是通过照相机剪裁现实而显示出来的。那就是说,摄影术有两个相互对立的观念:第一,摄影术是反映世界的,摄影者只不过是无足轻重的观察者; 第二,摄影术是无畏探索的主观性的手段,摄影者决定一切。


Picture-taking is a technique both for annexing the objective world and for expressing the singular self. Photographs depict objective realities that already exist, though only the camera can disclose them. And they depict an individual photographer’s temperament, discovering itself through the camera’s cropping of reality. That is, photography has two antithetical ideals: in the first, photography is about the world and the photographer is a mere observer who counts for little; but in the second, photography is the instrument of intrepid, questing subjectivity and the photographer is all.




It seems as if a great deal were attainable in a world where there are so many marriages and decisive battles, and where we all, at certain hours of the day, and with great gusto and despatch, stow a portion of victuals finally and irretrievably into the bag which contains us. And it would seem also, on a hasty view, that the attainment of as much as possible was the one goal of man s contentious life. And yet, as regards the spirit, this is but a semblance.
