6. Spanish 西班牙人

Why? Because sun, sea, sand, siestas and sangria aside, Spain is cool -- and so are the Spanish, who don’t even start the party until most other nations have gone to bed.

5. Americans 美国人

What? Americans? War-starting, planet-polluting, over-consuming, arms-bearing Americans? Surely we can't be suggesting that the people who voted George W. Bush into the White House (twice!) are cool? Yes we are because, like it or not, we must.

4. Mongolians 蒙古人

Along with a carefully crafted air of quiet mystery, these unflappable souls pretty much perfected the freewheeling, nomadic cowboy existence, throat singing and yurts. Fur-lined everything -- boots, coats, hats, undies -- adds hearty splendor to the historic mystique. And who else keeps eagles as pets?

3. Jamaicans 牙买加人

There's more to Jamaicans than reggae, including an accent that’s the envy of the English-speaking world and the planet’s most distinctive and recognizable hairstyle.

2. Singaporeans 新加坡人

With its absurdly computer-literate population, Singapore is geek central and its people can therefore claim their rightful place as avatars of modern cool. They’re probably all Tweeting about it right now.

1. Brazilians 巴西人

Without Brazilians we wouldn't have samba and Rio carnival; we wouldn't have the soccer beauty of Pele and Ronaldo. Unless they're using their sexy, laid-back, party-loving reputation as a cover for exterminating dolphins or invading Poland, then we have no choice but to name Brazilians as the coolest people on the planet.