
- We should be there by now. Maybe we missed a turn. I guess I should have taken a...wait a minute. Let's go this way! Come on, Phillipe! It's a shortcut. We'll be there in no time! This can't be right. Where have you taken us, Phillipe? We'd better turn around...and...whoa...whoa boy, whoa Phillipe. Oh, oh! Look out! Back up! Back up! Back up! Good boy, good boy. That's good, that's--back up! Steady. Steady! Hey now. Steady. Phillipe! Phillipe? Oh no!

1. we missed a turn 转角走岔路了
    岔路多的地方容易走错路哦,万一哪个该拐的弯没有拐,那就是miss a turn
2. It's a shortcut
3. We'll be there in no time! 我们马上就会到啦!
    be in no time:马上、立即
4. Back up! 后退!
    叫某人后退,还可以说:Back off!