1. gramophonen. 留声机

2. granulara. 颗粒的,由颗粒组成的

3. grapplev. 扭打,搏斗

They managed to grapple him to the ground.(他们终于把他摔倒在地。)

4. gratuitousa. 1. 无偿的,免费的 2. 无缘无故的,不必要的

gratuitous violence on television(电视节目里无谓的暴力镜头)

5. grenaden. 手榴弹

6. grievancen. 怨愤,气恼,委屈

7. grimacev. 扭曲脸部以表示痛苦等,扮鬼脸

He grimaced at the bitter taste.(他一尝到那苦味,做了个怪脸。)

8. grudgev. 1. 妒忌2.吝啬n. 妒忌,怨恨

I grudge having to pay so much tax.(得付这么多税,我很不情愿。)

a. 粗鲁的,草率的,板着脸孔的

Beneath his gruff exterior, he’s really kind-hearted.(他外表冷漠,心地却十分善良)

ev. 发牢骚n. 不平,怨言

She always grumbles to me about how badly treated at work.(她总是向我抱怨她在工作中如何被亏待。)
