obesity (obes(e)+ity) n. 肥胖

racism (race+ism)n. 种族主义

"And, as shown in the movie, bullying is a big problem in other countries as well" Hoeffner said. "We need to help kids see beyond the bravado of bullies so they can recognize the pain and insecurity most bullies feel"

结果状语从句: 例子见本句标红部分

bravado n.: 虚张声势

insecurity (in+security) n. :不安全感

as well = too : 也

"Hey U.G.L.Y. uses self-esteem and diversity-building activities to help young people uncover their own bullying tendencies and understand the negative impacts of that behavior" Hoeffner said.

并列动词不定式短语表示目的: 例子见本句标红部分

self-esteem: 自尊

diversity-building: 建立多样性的。由动词短语转换过来,大致意思不变。如:planet-spanning adj. ; policy-making  adj.

uncover vt.: 揭开,暴露

It is the first resource of its kind to guide teens in helping each other learn how to defend themselves and others against bullies while monitoring their own bullying tendencies.

宾语从句中含有一个时间状语(while monitoring…):见本句中的标红部分。

Defend sb. against sth. 保护某人以免。。。

Bullying tendencies:暴力倾向


【真题预测】根据刚才关于功夫梦的原版文章,我们来练习一下雅思阅读的常考题型之一 — 句子搭配题。

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-E, below.

1. KungFu according to Jackie Chan

2. A Handbook on Stop Bullying