
    It was a hot sunny day, a crow (乌鸦) felt very   __1___. He flew out and looked for some __2___to drink. Suddenly, he found a bottle ___3__on the ground. He flew over to the bottle. There was a little water in it. But the ___4___of the bottle was too___5____and the crow couldn’t drink the water. He ___6____hard. He found there were a lot of little stones __7____the bottle. Then he had a good __8__. The crow ____9__up the stones one by one and put them into the bottle. So the surface of the water became higher and higher. At last, it was high ____10____to reach. The crow could have a good drink from the bottle. How clever the crow was!

1. thirsty
2. water
3. lying
4. mouth
5. narrow
6. thought
7. around
8. idea
9. picked
10. enough


1. 一只乌鸦口渴了。

2. 当然它是找水喝,用water。

3. 发现某物躺在地上,用find something doing,用动名词lying

4. the mouth of the bottle指“瓶口”。

5. 说明瓶口太小,喝不到水。

6. thought hard仔细考虑。

7. 在瓶子周围有许多小石子。

8. have a good idea想出一个好主意。

9. picked up捡起。

10. 现在水面足够高了。