Audra Lowe: After you know the dream job that you always wanted but decide to play it safe instead. Well you can do it but if you are not careful it can be a very expensive choice so, more magazine features Editor Jennifer Braunschweiger give us five tips to stay you away from those common and costly mistakes. Okay so I’m here with Jen, Jen we know that when you are trying to finance your dream could your life wondering there is a few things you need to do and the first things you need to do the first you say is that really save a year of worth of expenses why?

Jennifer Braunschweiger: Well the second, the instant even the smallest ideas start to swim across your mind start saving money. We are always hear the stories about somebody who puts it all in there credit card and goes you know dreams there accounts and then suddenly two years later it’s millionaire but we don’t recommend that you do it this way at all. So we have couple of strategies that years worth of expenses filled like an intimidating amount of money to save but if you have a partner and you are in two income family try saving all of one income and just leaving off the other that’s the way to accumulate some money. Another strategy is to find out how much you might be making once your new job starts and try living on that smaller amount and that can help you saves some money.

Audra Lowe: It’s good touch to early on.

Jennifer Braunschweiger: Exactly.

Audra Lowe: Now, if you are checking your credit report a lot people will think about doing this when you’re striving a business right?

Jennifer Braunschweiger: Right, the reason you need to do that is because if some point you wan tot borrow money and in order to qualify for the best rates you need pristine credit so better to start cleaning up your credit report if there any mistakes on it now rather than when you find out that you are being charge on huge interest rate on the loan that you want. So to do that go to and check the pre-report from each of the three bureaus and look over very closely to make sure there are no problems. If there are problems you go to the website of the bureau that has the mistake and you follow instructions just view it electronically and buy load that you need to get back to you fairly quickly so once the process starts you get’s going pretty well.

Audra Lowe: Speaking of the process too, that you have to calculate your start up cost and easiest that to do?

Jennifer Braunschweiger: Well the place where a lot of people underestimate how expensive it is to start in your business so they forget that now they have to pay for health insurance that they need to buy a new computers, maybe they need a storage space.

Audra Lowe: Or extra expenses.

Jennifer Braunschweiger: Exactly, all of those extra expenses so there are couple of good ways to figure out what you are going to need to be spending money on, you can go to the small business administration at and they have links and lots of workshop and calculators that help you figure this out and that’s the . They’re retired executive you help advice people who are starting business in this fields and they are great resource also.

Audra Lowe: So the rest can help too, also don’t quit your day job. She says, do not do that all in some things sometimes when you have a dream right.

Jennifer Braunschweiger: That’s right and you really you’re so excited and you want to through everything into it but what we recommend is that you moonlight first. You need to make sure that there is a market out there for your product just because you love your grandmothers, the cupcake recipe doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to be able to make a successful business out of it. So even though it may take it still on your beauty rest we do recommend that you really might first.

Audra Lowe: Well last but not the least the article also says to barrow intelligently.

Jennifer Braunschweiger: Yes, and what that means is to exhaust your low interest rate barrowing options first so loans at authorized by the small business administration and also students loans if you are going back to school we really don’t recommend that you raid your home equity and take out a loan of credit because if your business fails then your home is on the line. Similarly we don’t recommend that you empty out your retirement account because that is your future that you’re talking about.

Audra Lowe: Alright, good tip and thank so much I appreciate it.

Audra Lowe: Alright in for more tips on making your dream job or reality and not transform your wallet into an automatic cash dispenser just pick of the February issue of more magazine.
