
eryn. 1. 机器,机械 2.(政党等的)机构

例如:There is no machinery for resolving disputes.(根本没有解决纷争的机制。)

a. 有男子气概的

例如:He was too macho to ever admit he was wrong.(他太大男子主义了,从不认错。)

v. 使发狂,使恼火

例如:Maddened with pain, the wounded bull ran at them.(公牛受伤了,疼的发狂,朝他们冲去。)

nen. 1. 杂志,期刊 2.(枪上)弹盒,(相机等的)底片盒 3.弹药库

en. 大富豪,权贵


n. 1.磁铁 2.有吸引力的人(物)

例如:In 1980s the area became a magnet for new investment.(这个地区在20世纪80年代成为新的投资热点。)

yv. 1.放大,扩大 2.夸大

例如:The sound was magnified by the high roof.(高高的屋顶使声音更响亮。)

uden. 1. 巨大,庞大 2.重要性,重大 3.大小,亮度
