Designer Thanva Tivawong redesigned the traffic light. The new hourglass-inspired design is not only visually appealing, but also very practical as now you can exactly predict the next change of the lights. I think everyone would love it while sitting in a traffic jam!
设计师Thanva Tivawong重新设计了一种交通信号灯。这种新型的沙漏灵感设计不仅给人一种视觉上的吸引,而且相当的实用。借助它,你可以准确的预测下一种信号灯该如何变化。有了这种信号灯,我想,在我们塞车的时候,一定会喜欢上它。

Would you replace the current classical stoplights with these new Sand Glass Traffic Lights?
