




今天我们先来看看宏观调控怎么说,宏观就是macro,而调控一词可用control或regulate表示,所以联合起来就是macro-regulation,或macro-control,当然也可以详细说明是经济方面的调控,所以也可称为macroeconomic regulatory。


大力发展农业生产increase grain supplies/ boost agricultural production

稳定农副产品供应 ensure agricultural and sideline products supplies/ maintain steady growth of agricultural output/ the stabilization of the supply of agricultural products

降低农副产品流通成本 reduce the circulation cost of agricultural product

保障化肥生产供应guarantee the production and supply of chemical fertilizer

做好煤电油气运协调工作 coordinate the transportation and supplies of coal, electricity, and oil.

发放价格临时补贴 offer temporary price subsidies

建立社会救助和保障标准与物价上涨挂钩的联动机制 establish the linkage mechanism of social welfare benefits, which is aligned with price

继续落实规范收费的各项规定further commit various provisions on regulating fees and charges

积极稳妥推进价格改革 adjust prices promptly and moderately

规范农产品经营和深加工秩序 regulateagricultural product management and deep processing

加强农产品期货和电子交易市场监管 strengthen supervision of agricultural futures and electronic trading market

健全价格监管法规 perfect the regulations concerning price supervision

加强价格监督检查和反价格垄断执法 reinforce supervision and inspection on prices and law enforcement against price fixing

完善价格信息发布制度 complete the information release system of prices

切实落实“米袋子”省长负责制和“菜篮子”市长负责制 local authorities should  take charge of the supply of grain and vegetables

建立市场价格调控部际联席会议制度 establish the ministerial joint conference system for prices
