
灰色的英文有两种拼写方式,通用的是grey,美国则通常拼成gray,来自古英语grǣg。日语的灰色读作はいいろ(haiiro)。不管是日语还是英文,灰色都有沉闷、暗淡dull 的意味哦。


灰色,通常会让人联想到诸如压抑 depression, 无聊 boredom, 中立 neutrality, 不明确的undefinedness, 老年的 old age, 满足 contentment 和速度 speed。灰色常常被用来作为公司制服uniform 的颜色,显得很严肃专业。当然灰色也是西方婚礼上新郎礼服常见的颜色之一哦。


灰色有关的词组。Gray matter 是指大脑或者智慧,那玩意儿是不是叫脑灰质的? Gray power 是指老年人权益;gray-hair 就是我们说的银发,可以是白头发,也能指老人哦。而gray water 就是脏水,通常指泡澡啦、洗碗啦剩下的水。


更多能表示灰色的词儿:charcoal 木炭深灰色, slate 石板灰, iron gray 铁青, ashen 苍灰色, lead 铅灰色, mousy 鼠灰色, gunmetal 炮铜色, silver 银灰色, powder grey 粉灰色, oyster 牡蛎色, taupe 暗灰褐色, sere 枯灰色, Payne's gray 派泥灰,灰蓝色。


经常说阴雨天的天空是灰色的,但是在Paul Simon 的经典老歌中I Do It For Your Love,却这么唱:We were married On a rainy day The sky was yellow And the grass was gray. 我们结婚了,在一个下雨天。天空是黄的,草地是灰色。

歌曲欣赏:I do it for your love by Paul Simon


We were married on a rainy day
The sky was yellow
And the grass was gray
We signed the papers
And we drove away
I do it for your love

The rooms were musty
And the pipes were old
All that winter we shared a cold
Drank all the orange juice
That we could hold
I do it for your love

Found a rug
In an old junk shop
And I brought it home to you
Along the way the colors ran
The orange bled the blue

The sting of reason
The splash of tears
The northern and the southern
Love emerges
And it disappears
I do it for your love
I do it for your love