
1. One of the richest men in the place gave a party in his honor, and all who were of any consequence, or who possessed some property, were invited. 这里的consequence是什么意思?

2. The mother was like a fountain of questions; and the daughter, who listened but never spoke, might have passed for the beautiful maid of the fountain. 翻译这句话。

3. Those deep-blue eyes, which had been lit up this evening in honor of him, must conceal treasures, treasures of heart and mind, richer than all the glories of Rome; and so when he left the party that night, he had lost it completely to the young lady. 划线部分怎么解释?

4. For a moment, Alfred's respect for Kaela's mamma underwent a sudden shock, and lessened considerably; but, dazzled by the light which surrounded Kaela, he soon found it quite natural that the old lady should have no eye for color. After all, it was of very little consequence; for Kaela's mamma had the best of all possessions, namely, Kaela herself. 你怎么理解这段话?

5. Mamma-in-law acknowledged that Sophy was not only a clever housewife, but well-informed and accomplished, though that could hardly be expected in a person of her limited means. 翻译这句话。


1. 重要的地位。people of consequence也就是有权势的人。提醒大家注意熟悉单词的少见意思。

2. 妈妈很像一个专门冒出问话的喷泉,但女儿则是静静地听着,好似一位美丽的、泉水之女神。

重点在于弄明白pass for是个意为“被看作”的词组,而不是将它们拆分成两个单词,按pass的原意来试图理解。

3. 他完全迷上了这位年轻女子。


4. 有一会儿工夫,阿尔弗雷德先生对珈拉妈妈的尊敬突然动摇并显著削弱了。(considerable和consider与considerate都没有关系,而是“大量的”之意。)然而,被珈拉周身散发的光彩所迷,他很快发现,这上了年纪的女士的双眼失去了对色彩的敏感度是很自然的。(因为她女儿太光彩照人了,所以她的眼睛完全看不见其他事物的色彩——这是隐晦地描述阿尔弗雷德自己被美色所迷的心态。)无论如何,这没什么影响,因为珈拉的妈妈拥有最好的宝物,那就是珈拉自身。

5. 岳母承认,苏菲不仅精于管家,更见多识广,处事熟练。就她的家世来说,这是很不容易的。
