Dialogue Script

Mom: OK! Here are your tickets! Are you ready for a fun day at Disneyland?

Tony: Yeah! Let's go!

Mom: Tony! Get back here! Now what are the rules?

Tony: No running. Now let's go! (pulls on his mom's shirt)

Mom: And no tugging at my clothes! We've got all day. There's no rush.

Tony: OK. But I want to ride all the rides.

Mom: You can ride as many as you want. Cool your jets! It's only ten in the morning!

(In the souvenir shop)

Tony: Look at this, Mom! A Monsters Inc. backpack! I need one of these for school!

Mom: We just walked into the park. If you buy anything now, you'll have to lug it around all day.

Tony: OK! But remember that's what I want to get!

Mom: OK, but I bet you'll change your mind. There are more souvenirs than you can count. You'll see.

Tony: Look outside! There's Goofy! He's my favorite! Let's take a picture with him!

Mom: OK. But don't butt in line. You'll have to wait your turn.


1. 对话中,Tony和妈妈来到了迪斯尼乐园玩,妈妈已经买好了门票。在迪斯尼乐园愉快的一天就要开始了。Tony兴奋极了,突然就跑开了,没想到被妈妈又拽了回来。妈妈问他,我们都讲好了哪些规矩呀。Now what are the rules? rule就是指“规矩,规则”。比如说,The rule is that someone must be on duty at all times. 按照规定,任何时候都需要有人值班。rule这个词还可以表示“惯常的做法,习惯”,比如说,My rule is to get up at seven everyday. 我习惯每天七点起床。She made a rule of eating an apple a day. 她每天一定要吃一个苹果。

2. 那妈妈和Tony定的规矩是什么呢?No running. 就是“不准乱跑”。Tony说知道了,又拉妈妈的衣服。妈妈又说,And no tugging at my clothes! 不许拉我的衣服。tug at sth 这个词组表示“用力拉或拖某物”,She tugged at my sleeve and pointed to him. 她拉了拉我的袖子,又指了指他。

3. 妈妈说,我们有一整天的时间来玩,所以不用着急,There's no rush. rush在这里表示“急促的动作,冲,奔”,比如说,He made a rush for the door. 他冲到门前。People were trampled in the headlong rush. 大家拼命向前涌,踩着了很多人。

4. 带小孩子去游乐园玩,一定要小心,因为人很多,小孩很容易发生意外或者走丢,有必要教孩子守守规矩。在这里我们就告诉大家一些教规矩的好用句子,例如买票的时候我们就可以说Stay next to me, or you'll get lost! 跟紧我,要不然你会走丢。Don't talk so loud!/ Don't shout!不要大声喧哗!小孩子不听话的时候,可以说See how good all the other children are being. 看其他的小孩子多听话呀。还有,Don't go across that line! 不要越过那条线。排队等候的时候,可以告诉孩子You need to be patient. 你要有耐心。孩子们互相打闹的时候,可以说Stop fighting with your big brother/little sister. 不要跟哥哥/妹妹打来打去的。小孩子不听话,可以吓唬他们,I'm gonna tell your dad/mom how you've been acting up.你这么淘气,我要告诉你的爸爸或者妈妈了。

5. Tony说他想每一样都玩到!妈妈说随你想玩多少都行,但是不要那么心急,现在才早上10点钟。Cool your jets! 这个句子表示“别那么急”。当有人匆匆忙忙,横冲直撞的时候,你就可以用到这句话。我们用一个对话作例子:- We have to run to catch the start of the movie! - Cool your jets! The previews will be ten minutes long. - 我们得跑起来才能赶上电影开始。- 别那么着急!电影预告片就得有10分钟。

6. 一会,Tony和妈妈有来到了纪念品商店。在商店里Tony看中了一款背包,上面有怪兽电力公司的logo,就是标志。 Monsters Inc.是一部电影的名字,那么A Monsters Inc. backpack就是指印有《怪兽电力公司》标志的背包,现在能看到很多这样印有某种标志的东西,书包啊,T恤什么的。妈妈说,他们才刚进迪斯尼乐园,如果现在就买了这个背包,就得一整天拖着他走来走去的,很麻烦。

7. lug 表示“用力拉或者拖某物”,多指比较大的物件。比如说,She's lugging a heavy suitcase up the stairs. 她正拖着一个沉重的箱子上楼。那么lug sth around all day,She had to lug the kids around all day. 她得整天带着孩子。Tony觉得妈妈说的有道理,不过他让妈妈不要忘记这个背包是一定要买的。不过妈妈猜他会改变主意的,因为迪斯尼乐园里面好玩好看的东西太多了。

8. 也许Tony看见了其他的纪念品就把这个背包忘了呢。这时他看见了Goofy,就是高菲狗,是迪斯尼卡通片里面的一个人物,这里是指在迪斯尼乐园里穿道具服装的卡通人物,后面我们还会提到很多,比如说Pluto、Buzz Lightyear等等。Goofy是Tony最喜欢的一个卡通形象。他嚷着要去跟Goofy拍照。

9. 但是妈妈告诉他不要插队,要等到轮到他的时候。butt在这里是一个动词,表示“用头撞或顶”,对话中的butt in line 就是“插队”的意思。butt in on sb/sth 还可以表示“干扰某人,干涉某事物”,比如说,Don't butt in like that when I'm speaking! 我说话的时候别这样打断我的话。May I butt in on your conversation? 我可以插句话吗?

10. wait one's turn就是“等轮到某人”。