
而加拿大最富盛名的小提琴大师安琪尔•迪博将和La Pietà弦乐乐团共同演绎“蒙特利尔专场音乐会”。整场演出精选6首不同风格的音乐作品,以纯熟高超的演奏技巧,带领观众穿越时空,在美妙的音乐世界中来一次奇特的环球之旅。


Montreal has prepared a thrilling cultural journey for Expo 2010 visitors, with circus show, concert and contemporary art exhibition on the menu.

The programmes will celebrate the Montreal Day at Expo 2010 on May 14.

Cirque éloize, the Montreal-based nouveau cirque troupe, has created a unique show "11,373 kilometres to celebrate friendship" for the occasion. It aims to create a feel of festivity by blending music, dance and circus arts. A fusion of media, special visual and sound effects will be featured.

Mark Rowswell, Canada's commissioner general for Expo, will host the show. Rowswell, better known under his stage name "Da Shan" in China, is the "most famous foreigner in China" for his role performing xiangsheng (a popular form of comic dialogue).

Angèle Dubeau, one of Canada's foremost virtuoso violinists, will also contribute by performing "Opus Montreal" with her string ensemble La Pietà on the day. Six musical pieces will be played.

A contemporary art exhibition - Art Montreal Contemporary -- will also be held from May 13 to 19 at the Times Square. The exhibit will present 15 large works by renowned Montréal artists.

Montreal will exhibit at Expo 2010's UBPA section. The case St-Michel Environmental Complex is one of Montreal's best examples of sustainable development. Under a renovation plan put forward by Montreal's municipal government in 1995, what used to be a limestone quarry and landfill site is now a family-friendly city park covering 20,000 square metres.

