
第一句首尾各有组省略号 ... 首字母不大写




the human genome


genetic components


...lead to the end of diseases like cancer...
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes.
The list is endless.
We were thinking of genes in a very mechanical way. We were thinking of them just in terms of the sequence of the letters when we were working out how we could work out what all the letters were in the book.
Scientists estimated that the human genome, the book of life, would contain around 100,000 genes.
And then when they started sequencing they, they realized there may be 100,000 genes, and it popped down to 60, and then it popped down to 50, I mean, and slowly went down to a much smaller number. In fact we found out that the human genome is probably not as complex and doesn't have as many genes as, as plants do. So that they made us really question it all. If the genome has less genes in this species versus this species, and we are more complex potentially, what's going on here?
Now, scientists estimate there are probably less than 30,000 genes.
We believed, I believed naively that we would be able to find the genetic components of common diseases. That's proven to be very difficult. The idea of one-gene-one-disease does not explain it all.
