Webmonkey: Gmail is one of the most high-profile products at Google. Because it's so popular and widely used, do you have to be more careful when you change it?

Webmonkey: Gmail 是 Google 最重要的产品之一,他用户量庞大,当你要调整它的某项功能时,是不是要非常小心?

Jackson: It's a very demanding product to work on, and there's a very high bar for everything we do. We know that when we're shipping something, it's going out to a very wide and very large audience. This is why whenever we launch new features, we have such rigorous testing requirements.

Jackson: 这是个要求非常严格的产品,我们做任何东西都非常小心,我们推出任何新新东西之前,都会想到这会影响到庞大的用户数量,因此,我们会首先做严格的测试。

Whenever we do something new, all the Googlers are using it and immediately giving us feedback. They're very boisterous. And most new features go through Gmail Labs as experiments first.

每次我们推出新东西,Google 员工都会马上使用并给我们反馈,他们是最活跃的,任何 Gmail Labs 的新东西都会先做试验。

Webmonkey: What Gmail Labs experiments are your personal favorites?

Webmonkey: 你个人喜欢那些 Gmail Labs 试验?

Jackson: Undo Send is my favorite, without question. I use it all the time, it saves a lot of embarrassment. One of my other favorites just graduated, it's Search Auto-Complete. We're all power users internally, so I navigate Gmail almost entirely through keyboard shortcuts and search.

Jackson: 毫无疑问,邮件返回功能是我最喜欢的。我一直在用,让我避免了很多尴尬。另一个喜欢的功能是刚刚结束试验的搜索自动完成功能。我们在内部都是超级用户,我自己使用 Gmail 差不多完全靠快捷键和搜索。

Keyboard shortcuts are used by less than two percent of our users. Then again, they're kind of nerdy. How do you explain to somebody that J goes down and K goes up?

快捷键的用户数大约只有不到2%,这个功能不是很讨人喜欢,你怎么和人解释,J 代表下,K 代表下?

Webmonkey: How much do you use Buzz internally?

Webmonkey: 你自己常不常用 Buzz?

Jackson: A lot. We have a very dense network inside Google, you see all kinds of stuff. It's become a secondary communication channel. You can be kept up to date on what everyone is doing in a way that wasn't possible when internal communications were just e-mail and chat-based. The level of transparency in passive communication has improved.

Jackson: 经常用。Google 内部有一套很复杂的网络,我们能看到所有东西,这成了我们第二套沟通渠道。我们能和所有人的工作保持一致,这些如果只靠 Email 和聊天工具是不可能实现的,我们沟通的透明程度已经大大提高。

Webmonkey: When Buzz launched, there was friction among Gmail users over things like inbox control and the increased level of noise. What was your reaction to that?

Webmonkey: Buzz 发布之后,Gmail 用户感到 Inbox 的隐私受到威胁,并感受一些噪音,你们的反应是什么?

Jackson: We learned from it very quickly. We bring certain Buzz items into your inbox when you get involved in a conversation: when people comment on your posts, when people comment on your comments or when you're @replied.

Jackson: 我们很快就知道了。我们在 Inbox 中加入了某些 Buzz 功能,当人们对你的帖子或评论留言的时候,或者当有人给你回复的时候。

On one level, it works really well, because on a lot of these services, people comment on one of your posts and you never find out about it. When we deployed this publicly, we found that especially for accounts that have a ton of followers, these notifications would get out of control.


To fix this, we launched two new features: Settings for which Buzz items come into your inbox, and a second feature which shows a banner above each item that comes into your inbox that tells you why it's there — "Mike, you @replied to this" — along with a link to mute that conversation.

为了解决这个问题,我们发布了两个新功能:第一个功能,设置那些 Buzz 可以进入你的收件箱,第二个功能,使用一个 banner 向用户解释这些 Buzz 是怎么来的,还可以选择关闭这个对话。

One of the things we heard loud and clear is "Buzz in my inbox is cool, but it gets noisy." We're trying to improve things as fast as possible.

我们对此得到的最明确的反馈是,收件箱里的 Buzz 功能很 Cool,但太闹。

Webmonkey: Personally, I found it troubling. When I tweet or check-in or comment, those are things that happen "out there" on the web. But when I'm in Gmail, it's like my inner sanctum, my bedroom. Buzz launches and all of a sudden, there are people who are friends of friends, people I may not even know, who are showing up and hanging out in my bedroom.

Webmonkey: 我个人觉得很麻烦,我在网上留言或上 Tweet 时,这是外面的事,回到 Gmail,那应该是我私人空间,然而 Buzz 发布后,我的私人空间到处是一些我不认识的人走来走去。

Jackson: That's something we need to improve. We want you to be able to engage in the conversations that you want to engage in, but not be spammed by the conversations that you don't care about. The controls we launched recently get us a step towards that, but we're not there yet. We want to give you the controls to manage what comes in to "your bedroom" and what doesn't, but we also want to get it to the point where you don't have to think too hard about how to manage it.

Jackson: 这是我们需要改进的地方。我们希望用户能够加入他们喜欢加入的会话,也能屏蔽他们不喜欢的。我们最近做了一些工作,离那个目标近了,但还没真正实现。我们不仅希望你能自己控制什么可以进入私人空间,什么不能,还希望你不必费事就能实现这样的控制。

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