• 美剧天天秀: 摩登家庭 S01E06

    《美剧天天秀》节目是沪江部落一档模仿类节目,目的在于提升大的英语口语水平,在轻松看美剧的同时锻炼大的口语能力。积极参与的童鞋还会得到主持的专业点评哦!去沪江部落订阅本节目! 原录音: 原文: Luke:I need help.I was supposed to keep a journal all summer.It’s due today. Clare:Wow,first day of school and you’re already behind? Luke:I’m dead. Clare:All right.Tell me how far you’ve gotten. Luke

  • 美剧天天秀: 摩登家庭 S01E05

    《美剧天天秀》节目是沪江部落一档模仿类节目,目的在于提升大的英语口语水平,在轻松看美剧的同时锻炼大的口语能力。积极参与的童鞋还会得到主持的专业点评哦!去沪江部落订阅本节目! 原录音: 原文: Hayley:hey,mom. Clare:Yeah? Hayley:Can I have forty dollars for lunch? Clare:Forty dollars? Hayley:I also need a book for school. Clare:What book? Hayley:I want a dress. Clare:Do you have any idea what a bad liar you are? Alex:I’d be more worried that she couldn’t come up with a single book title.             想要得到主持人专业的点评和意见吗?快来节目现场一试身手吧>>  

  • 美剧天天秀: 摩登家庭 S01E15

    《美剧天天秀》节目是沪江部落一档模仿类节目,目的在于提升大的英语口语水平,在轻松看美剧的同时锻炼大的口语能力。积极参与的童鞋还会得到主持的专业点评哦!去沪江部落订阅本节目! 原录音: 原文: Phil:We’re good!We’re good!I talked to Maintenance. They’re-They’re-They’re coming,so go on ahead. See you guys. See you later. See you in school. Good to see you guys. Maintenance is gonna take care

  • 美剧天天秀: 摩登家庭 S01E11(2)

    《美剧天天秀》节目是沪江部落一档模仿类节目,目的在于提升大的英语口语水平,在轻松看美剧的同时锻炼大的口语能力。积极参与的童鞋还会得到主持的专业点评哦!去沪江部落订阅本节目! 原录音: 原文: Manny: Awesome! All this excitement, my heart is just going. Javier: Now, listen to me, you bring that with you when you come to visit me this summer. We'll go in a race car with my friend, And after

  • 美剧天天秀: 摩登家庭 S01E08(4)

    《美剧天天秀》节目是沪江部落一档模仿类节目,目的在于提升大的英语口语水平,在轻松看美剧的同时锻炼大的口语能力。积极参与的童鞋还会得到主持的专业点评哦!去沪江部落订阅本节目! 原录音: 原文: Cameron: Oh This place brings back so many memories. Sal: Woo my god!Get in here! Big bear! And my baby cub! Oh, my God! You guys! Mitchell: Look at you! Sal: You guys [w]notice[/w] anything different

  • 美剧天天秀: 摩登家庭 S01E11(5)

    《美剧天天秀》节目是沪江部落一档模仿类节目,目的在于提升大的英语口语水平,在轻松看美剧的同时锻炼大的口语能力。积极参与的童鞋还会得到主持的专业点评哦!去沪江部落订阅本节目! 原录音: 原文: Now,I could cashed that in right away for something small, get out of cleaning the [w]garage[/w],a week at circus camp. (Oh,still fresh. yeah) But the longer you hold on to it, the more the guilt

  • 美剧天天秀: 摩登家庭 S01E10(2)

    《美剧天天秀》节目是沪江部落一档模仿类节目,目的在于提升大的英语口语水平,在轻松看美剧的同时锻炼大的口语能力。积极参与的童鞋还会得到主持的专业点评哦!去沪江部落订阅本节目! 原录音: 原文: Mitchell: Are you kidding me with this line? I'm gonna ask Santa for the last 45 minutes of my life back. Cameron: Oh, would you cheer up? We're in Santa's village with our daughter. Where were we a

  • 美剧天天秀: 摩登家庭 S01E18

    《美剧天天秀》节目是沪江部落一档模仿类节目,目的在于提升大的英语口语水平,在轻松看美剧的同时锻炼大的口语能力。积极参与的童鞋还会得到主持的专业点评哦!去沪江部落订阅本节目! 原录音: 原文: Alex:Listen to these symptoms of A.D.H.D.And tell me it’s not Luke. Clare:Alex! Alex:Easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli. Often impulsively abandons one task for another. Phil:That’s where I left

  • 美剧天天秀: 摩登家庭 S01E11(3)

    《美剧天天秀》节目是沪江部落一档模仿类节目,目的在于提升大的英语口语水平,在轻松看美剧的同时锻炼大的口语能力。积极参与的童鞋还会得到主持的专业点评哦!去沪江部落订阅本节目! 原录音: 原文: Jay: I used to. Javier: "used to"? "used to"?! Jay, the saddest words in any language, my friend. Jay: Yeah. Hey, help me out here. Everybody sees you as this great guy. You know, you live this life

  • 美剧天天秀: 摩登家庭 S01E13

    《美剧天天秀》节目是沪江部落一档模仿类节目,目的在于提升大的英语口语水平,在轻松看美剧的同时锻炼大的口语能力。积极参与的童鞋还会得到主持的专业点评哦!去沪江部落订阅本节目! 原录音: 原文: Phil:Can people change?Well,that's a-that is a tough one,but I would say yes.People can change.That's what I believe anyway,and I will till the day I die. Claire:You do realize you're proving the exact opposite of your point? Phil:See?She's changed.She used to be very supportive of me. 语调示意图:           想要得到主持人专业的点评和意见吗?快来节目现场一试身手吧>>