• 南极洲的英文怎么说

    南极洲的英文: Antarctica参考例句: Antarctica is the earth's coldest landmass. 南极洲是地球上最冷的大陆。 The greater portion of Antarctica is still terra nullius. 南极洲

  • 探寻南极洲可爱的企鹅

    南极洲(Antarctica)是人类最后到达的大陆,也叫“第七大陆” 。位于地球最南端,土地几乎都在南极圈内,四周濒太平洋、印度洋和大西洋。是世界上地理纬度最高的一个。 同时也是跨经度最多的一个大。 Hi, I’m Patty Kim, now for a new and [w]unique[/w] travel [w]destination[/w], a place where the beaches aren't golden, the weather's definitely not warm, and the locals, well, let’s just say

  • 外媒看中国:大中华要征服南极洲?!

    出了其他国家的计划。[/cn] [en]"China’s operations on the continent — it opened its fourth research station last year, chose a site for a fifth, and is investing in a second icebreaker and new ice-capable planes and helicopters — are already the fastest-growing of the 52 signatories to the Antarctic Treaty," Perlez notes. [/en][cn]记者裴若思称:“中国在去年设置了第四个南极考察站,还为第五个南极考察站选定了位置,现在还在投资建造第二艘破冰船、可以在冰上升降的新型飞机和直升机等考察设备——中国在南极洲的建设步伐在52个《南极条约》签订国中是进展最快的。[/cn] [en]The US has six research stations on the continent, while Australia has three. The Antarctic Treaty, which was signed in 1959, commits the signatories to ensuring that the continent will remain open for peaceful scientific research and that the region will not be militarized. A number of separate protocols aim to protect the Antarctic environment from overfishing and mining of what are considered to be large supplies of scarce resources in the region. [/en][cn]美国在南极洲有六个科考站,澳大利亚有三个。各国在1959年签订的《南极条约》规定,签订国有义务保证这块大陆永远向和平的科学考察行动开放许可,同时承诺不对这片区域进行军事控制。另有若干单独协议旨在保护南极洲免于过渡捕捞,以及保护这一区域内储量极大的稀缺资源免于过度开采。[/cn] [en]Although China has abided by the constraints of the pacts, observers of Antarctic affairs believe that Beijing is using the guise of research to gain a strategic upper hand in case region opens to commercial drilling in the future. [/en][cn]虽然中国受到上述协定的制约,但南极洲局势的观察研究人员相信,中国正在以科学研究为掩护,谋取战略优势地位,以便为日后这一区域对商业性开发开放许可之时做好准备。[/cn] [en]“This is part of a broader pattern of a [w]mercantilist[/w] approach all around the world,” Peter Jennings, director of Australian Strategic Policy Institute, told the NYT. “A big driver of Chinese policy is to secure a long-term energy supply and food supply.”[/en][cn]澳大利亚战略决策协会的会长皮特·杰宁斯称,“这是中国在世界范围内实施重商主义政策的宏大计划的题中之义。”“中国如此决策背后的一大驱动力在于保证长期的能源供应和粮食供应。”[/cn] [en]The ban on commercial drilling of resources in Antarctica is due to expire in 2048, unless the Protocol on Environmental Protection is re-ratified by consensus. If the accord does expire, Antarctica could become the next major source of hydrocarbons on earth. The region is believed to have an approximate 200 billion barrels of oil, in addition to being the largest single repository of fresh water on the planet. [/en][cn]对南极洲能源商业性开发的禁令将在2048年终止,除非《环境保护协议》经各国协商重新生效。如果这一协定届时真的废止,南极洲或将成为地球上下一个碳氢化合物的主要开采源。据证实,这一区域内石油的存储量约为2000亿筒,同时南极洲还是地球上仅有最大的淡水库。[/cn] [en]China's current investments could place it in an unrivaled position to take advantage of any resources on the continent in 2048.[/en][cn]中国目前的投资数额或能使其在2048年获得上无可比拟的优势位置,在这块大陆上占据对所有种类资源的优先权。[/cn] [en]"China's [w]exploration[/w] of the continent is like playing chess. It's important to have a position in the global game," Guo Peiqing, a law professor at the Ocean University of China told The Guardian. "We don't know when play will happen, but it's necessary to have a foothold."[/en][cn]中国海洋大学法学院教授国培平对《卫报》记者称,“中国对南极洲的征险就像是在下象棋。在这一世界各国参加的棋局中放好棋位是非常重要的。”“我们不知道好戏何时开场,但谋得一个立足点是十分必要的。”[/cn]

  • 黑天鹅图书:南极北极:世界的尽头,一切的开始

    滩上走动。他要求我们保持离这里的野生动物几米远的距离,因为此处生态环境很脆弱,必须把人类带来的影响降到最低。我们当然会尽量做到,但这些土著动物有的实在是过于好奇,为了把我们这些人类看个清楚,它们非要凑到我们身边来不可。 离这里的野生动物几米远的距离,因为此处生态环境很脆弱,必须把人类带来的影响降到最低。我们当然会尽量做到,但这些土著动物有的实在是过于好奇,这里的国王企鹅在陆地上没有天敌,对我们的出现也表现得很漠然。我实在是不能想象,在上上个世纪,猎人们因为受到贪念的驱使,出于对鲸油和海豹皮的需求,几乎将这个物种赶尽杀绝。 这片平原是地球上具有标志性的野生动物海滩之一。这里一年中有6个月都是夜晚,恶劣的气候成了这片大地上的主宰。从这一页的照南极片中,无法闻到刺鼻的臭味,无法听到无休止的噪声和幼年国王企鹅换毛时发出的痛苦叫喊,照片上也看不到企鹅的粪便、齐膝深的泥坑、棕色的泥潭。同样,诸如海鸥和贼鸥这些盘踞在空中的食腐鸟类紧张地看着我们这些游客时发出的叫声,仅凭看照片也是无从得知的。 从陆地和海洋捕食者口中赢得生机是首要任务,小心谨慎是其生存之道,只有幸运者才能活下去! 

  • 南极出现了血红色的雪


  • 南极一座冰山倒了 15万只企鹅挂了……

    过了卢森堡的占地面积。有明显数据表明,这座冰山在海上漂浮了20年之久,然后才碰南极洲撞到冰川大陆并在此处搁浅。[/cn] [en]Penguin numbers have been recorded for more than a century.[/en][cn]一百多年来,科学家们一直在记录企鹅的数量。[/cn] [en]"It's [w]eerily[/w] silent now," said Professor Chris Turney, from the University of New South Wales.[/en][cn]来自新南威尔士大学的克里斯·特尼教授称,“岛上现在已经一片死寂,令人害怕。”[/cn] [en]"They can barely survive themselves, let alone hatch the next generation. We saw lots of dead birds on the ground ... it's just heartbreaking to see. "[/en][cn]“他们自己能否生存都令人堪忧,更不提繁衍后代了。我们看到许多企鹅尸体躺在地上——真是令人心碎的场面。”[/cn] 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。

  • 南极的气温又创新高了,像开了暖气一样


  • 新研究:南极的变暖速度是地球其他地方的3倍
