• 雅思写作小作文真题及范文

      在雅思的小作文写作中,除了常见的表格题还有就是选址类型的题目,其实选址型的题目跟地图题有相同之处,两者都要求把图画中的位置进行准确详细的概括,然后选址题就是再需要结合题目要求选择其中一处,进行优缺点的介绍,这样也就完雅思的小作文成了选址问题。   题目:Should government encourage large industries and companies move to cities or to regional areas? Discuss.   范文:   The pace of human development has been enormously accelerated since the Revolution of Industry, this revolution has brought us both merits and demerits . Some wish to enjoy the results of modern industries without jeopardizing even potential benefits in both physical and spiritual areas ,thus asking the large industries and companies to move away from densely-populated areas like some metropolis. Others feel quite well to dance with industries and large companies under the same sky, and feel sated to see them in their eyesight. I will discuss both sides and give my own evaluation.   Opponents raise many reasons to go against the vicinity between cities and large industries. They believe that many of these industries are hazardous and even fatal to human health, this monstrous system may deprive us the vigor and potential to enjoy our life and the products it produces. They also point out that for the convenience of employment and enrolment, these companies can be located in the satellite cities in the regional areas, not precisely in the urban proper.   Proponent come up with quite different views. They firstly point out that not all industries are perilous to human, like some fine chemistry industries and even some tertiary industries, both of which can dwell harmoniously with people and offer them both their products and job opportunities. They also believe moving these companies to regional areas is prohibitively expensive and unnecessary to the management , which may deter them from investing in their country.   Personally, I side with neither side. This thesis is just too general in the scope and definition of the concept “industries and companies”. As we all well know, not every industries is harmful and noisy to us ,but some of them are. Thus ,how can we treat these different companies with an identical view? Putting them together and give any comparison is quite unreasonable at all.   Before we jump on any bandwagon , we had better think twice and then give our judgment.   这就是今天小编为大家介绍的雅思小作文中选址型写作的简单方法和范文示范了,写作的提高需要考生们不断练习,不断强化,这样在面对题目是才可以得心应手,才能够在雅思考试中取得优异的成绩。

  • 雅思小作文真题范文

    了解一些小作文真题范文,相信会对大家的作文提高有所帮助。   雅思小作文真题   The chart below shows percentages of people living by their own in five age groups in the UK between 1850 and 2000.   Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.   高分范文及解析   虽然题目中的陈述是between 1850 and 2000,但是并不是线性概念,所以考核的是比较概念。   题目考核两个比较概念:1)年份之间的比较,即“同项不同时”;2)age group之间的比较,“同时不同项”。   The four groups of bars are the illustrations of the percentage ofUK people living a solitary life in the four years of 1850, 1900, 1950, and 2000, and they are divided into five groups. ←不把题目中三个堆叠的介词短语重复,而是拆开。   总结行文结构:从宏观到微观   Among the five age groups, two – the 26-40 group and the 55-65 group – ←故意设计成同位语的形式来丰富语法现象 stood out, 不要急着把句子停下来,后接(原因)状语从句,设计复合句: since the maximum (45 percent) and the minimum (approx. 3 percent) were in the two groups. It is also notable that the 26-40 group were more likely to liveindependently in the four years than the other groups. ←不要机械描述数据,而是陈述数据所体现出来的事实 The opposite was the case ←依托前文建立出来的语境来简化写作内容 with the 55-65 group except in the year of 2000.   一定要敢于“舍”,笼统描述没有特点的数值   The other three groups – the youngest group, the oldest group and the 41-55 group – did not have stark features. The four years witnessed a gradual growth in the percentage of people livingalone in the youngest group and a slow downtrend in the 41-55 group. In addition, the oldest group's mere 5 percent in the year of 1850 was also noteworthy.   敢于笼统描述图表的总特征   Overall, in each of the four years, the likelihood of living alone varied from one age group to another, ←对应age group之间的比较,“同时不同项” and the more recent two years differ markedly from the two distant early years. ←对应年份之间的比较,即“同项不雅思考试,相信每个人都有自己的备考方法。在面对作文同时”   以上就是为大家整理的雅思小作文真题范文的相关内容,希望能够对大家有所帮助。雅思作文考试中分为大作文和小作文,但是大同小异,大家在备考的时候是可以放在一起备考的,这样备考的效率也会高一点。

  • 雅思范文如何有效的利用


  • 如何合理的运用雅思写作范文

      要提高写作技巧,培养英语思维,积累大量词汇。如果你能掌握一些真实的表达方式以及如何组织文章,你一定会得到很多积分。总结雅思写作模板在大的考中还是非常重要的,除此之外还有雅思写作词汇的积累,所接下来来给大介绍一下如何巧妙的运用雅思写作范文。   1、反复琢磨文章思路、整体结构。   2、分类总结各段句型和词组。如此一来,触类旁通,茅塞顿开。无论判断分析,还是遣词造句,均渐入佳境,可培养学术研究的能力。此法需1-2周,因各人基础、领悟和态度而异。小编提醒大注意总结雅思写作词汇以及雅思写作模板,这些都是大要做的基本功课。   3、 雅思冲刺班专老师告诉我们提升思想境界,拓展阅历经验,丰富社会类词句,全赖平素累积。充分利用网络,谷歌百度,与前辈或同僚时常沟通讨论,关注时事、宏观政策、际往来、焦点访谈,甚至奇闻轶事,坊间杂话、观点舆论,尽入囊中。凡速成者,可紧密围绕当年题回忆,俗称‘机经’,以宏观和微观多维视角,展开地毯式分析。此法于2-3周内可初见成效。   4、临场发挥,时间乃劲敌。雅思作文自备考之日起,可请老师协助制定每日学习计划表,把繁杂的工程,量化到小时。比如,雅思作文有2篇任务,即:图表和思议论,各有具体的时间建议,已被专们量化到分钟,可操作性高。力求精准,训练有素,是提率的先决条件、产生质变的催化剂和人才的定义。树立时间观念,追求培训,全赖心态调整和持之以恒,非时间本身可限定。   以上是为大整理的运用雅思写作范文的四个小技巧,大家可以根据自身的情况灵活选择应用,从而让写作能力得到提高。

  • g类雅思小作文范文


  • 如何巧用雅思写作范文呢

    上有每次的考题回忆,培训课堂一般都会发放。由于雅思考题话题重现率非常高,故而熟练掌握以前的题目对应考时读懂题目会有很大帮助。   考生丙:只会使用不做任何变化的套句,自己无法写出一句正确完整的单句。考试得分4。   建议:在背套句的时候,一定要多做常见功能性句子的填空式练习,并注意词性的正确使用。不宜写太多长句或复杂句。以掌握基本句型和话题性词汇为主。   凡目标为5分的考生,备考时应注重题意的理解,写作基本模板的训练和简单句式的练习,尤其注意常见单词的词性正确使用。   有能用于简单沟通的词汇量,能撰写常见句式,单句撰写熟练。写作目标分数:6分。   这类学生是目前人数最多的,一般在突六和精六班级。该类学生学习潜力也较大,在审题没有大的差错时,一般得分5分到5.5 之间。这类学生在自己阅读范文时,喜欢积累难词和复杂句式,部分学生在考试时过度倾向于用生僻词汇,长句可写4-5行,甚至一段一句。这些学生普遍存在的问题是论证能力差,扣题不紧,对句子功能的把握不强。   建议:在老师的指导下,批判式的学习范文,在积累词汇和句式的基础上,重点把握句子的功能以及主体段论证的展开。关注审题的精确性和相关主题的论证材料积累。句式长短句合理使用,不宜写过长句子,绝不能出现一段一句的情况。   有很扎实的语言功底的考生,写作目标7分或以上成绩。   挑选各种题型的范文简单阅读即可。完全没必要去研读范文,否则只会误导自己。   建议:注重同一话题不同角度的出题方式,确保自己的展开角度紧扣题目指令。可精读雅思阅读书籍及国外报刊的议论文,多积累地道语言和英语国家的文化背景和实例。考前可尝试实战模拟。   对于所有的学生,范文的背诵都无太大意义,但审题这关对每位考生而言都极其重要。希望各位考生能充分利用现雅思写作范文呢?在教学实践中发现,机械地背诵范文有的写作范文资料,阅读资料和网络资源,加强审题训练和语言基本功的练习,争取在实战中取得佳绩。   以上就是为大家整理的如何巧用雅思写作范文的相关内容,希望大家在备考的时候多多的阅读一些好的范文,这样对于写作提高也是很有帮助的。最后希望大家都能够在雅思写作中取得好的成绩。

  • g类雅思写作范文


  • robot雅思口语范文

    beings is rereplaceable. We still need to control robots as well as find solutions for arising problems or process data as robots are still unable to do these tasks. 雅思大作文范文:使用机器人的利弊 Intelligent machines such as robots are increasingly being used. They can do many things that used to be done

  • 雅思9分范文点评

    要写太深,因为那样容易造成考官看不懂你在说什么!   A poor child may believe that one can get along, if not as easily, without wealth. A wealthy child may be well trained by a parent steeped in the knowledge of money management; the key to developing this skill is education.   点评:比较后一段有点像是提出解决这个问题的办法,即 education. 它没有像传统的结尾段那样简单的重申自己的观点。   总结:   全文的观点有待揣摩,作者很明显是不赞成题雅思作文有结构但语言不够地道;native speaker写的文章够地道,但不够雅思!因此,市面上总找不到“完美”的雅思例文目的说法,即 Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. 但是作者自己是更偏向穷人家的孩子呢,还是富人家的孩子呢?!根据文章来看,作者是中立,他所看重的是他们所接受的教育。In other words,整篇文章又是一次中立的写法。在雅思考试中,这种写法经常使用,还是非常实用的,大家可以学习一下。此外,文章中有很多好词好句,特别是长句,值得模仿一下。   以上为大家分享了雅思9分范文点评的内容,大家可作为参考。如果大家还有关于雅思写作的疑问,可关注沪江网查询。

  • 雅思写作范文点评

    留了下来。现在,马哈鱼可以在全球达成定购与收购)。   In conclusion, without suggesting that all technology is necessarily good, I think it is by no means "pointless", in any way, to try to keep traditions alive with technology. We should not ignore technology, because it can be our friend and support our way of life.   (收尾段,考官写的很平易,比较厚道,但是也有锋芒藏在其中。他先是使用了一个介词结构without suggesting,表明他并不认为所有的科技都 是好的,然后又说,他认为也不可以说使用现代科技保护传统是没有意义的。比较后的一句话有点作报告结束时候的感觉,我们不应该忽略科技,因为它可以成为我 们的朋友也可以对我们的生活方式起到支持作用。他传统文化也雅思写作中,想要得到良好的提升,还应多加参考一些范文,下面为大家收集整理了一篇雅思写作高分范文要了,技术也没扔,总之是完美结局。Star well, end well.)   以上就是为大家整理的雅思写作范文点评,可供大家参考学习。如果大家还有关于雅思写作的疑问,可在线咨询沪江老师。