蘑菇的英文: mushroom参考例句: Mushroom grows in moist places 蘑菇长在潮湿的地方。 Mushroom clouds 蘑菇状云 An edible mushroom 一种可食用蘑菇 An immature,unexpanded mushroom. 末成熟的,未张开的蘑菇 Mildew and mushrooms are fungi. 霉和蘑菇都是真菌。 This sauce uses mushroom as its seasoning 这酱油用蘑菇作调料。 I'd like to talk with you about the quality
蘑菇焗鳟鱼的英文: Baked Trout with Mushroomtrout是什么意思: n. 鳟鱼,鲑鱼 The lake is abundant in trout. 这湖里有很多鳟鱼。 Thousands of trout fishermen have never seen a brook trout that scaled six pounds 数以千计的鳟鱼垂钓者还从未见过重6磅的河鳟鱼。 A trout in the pot is better than a salmon in the sea 锅里一条小鱼胜过海里一条大鱼mushroom是什么意思: n. 蘑菇,伞菌 adj.
2012-07-03 -
毁灭蘑菇的英文: Doom-shroom(植物大战僵尸中的角色,摧毁大范围内的所有僵尸并留下一个坑,坑上不能有新植物。)参考例句: Doom-shrooms destroy everything in a large area and leave a crater that can't be planted on. 毁灭蘑菇摧毁大范围内的所有僵尸并留下一个坑,坑上不能再种植新植物。doom是什么意思: n. 厄运,不幸;死亡 v. 使…在劫难逃,注定失败 It isn't the crack of doom. 还不是世界末日。 That argument doomed
2012-06-30 -
蘑菇面的英文: Noodles with Mushroom Noodlesnoodles是什么意思: n. 面条 The noodles are done to death. 这蘑菇面的英文面条煮得太烂了。 I eat noodles with chopsticks. 我用筷子吃面。 Convenient noodles are not good for health. 方便面对身体不好。 My favourite food is noodles. 我最喜欢吃面条。 Convenient noodle is a great invention for someone. 方便面对某些人来说一个伟大的发明
蘑菇鸡片的英文: mogu gaipan 到沪江小D查看蘑菇鸡片的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 蘑菇的英文怎么说>> 磨砂膏的英文怎么说>> 磨难的英文怎么说>> 磨料的英文怎么说>> 磨练用英语怎么说>>
2012-07-03 -
阳光蘑菇的英文: Sun-shroom(植物大战僵尸中的角色,开始时只给予少量阳光,稍后即会恢复正常。)参考例句: Sun-shrooms give small sun at first and normal sun later. 阳光蘑菇开始时只给予少量阳光,稍后即会恢复正常。sun是什么意思: n. 太阳;阳光;恒星 v. 晒(太阳) The sun is down. 太阳下山了。 apex of the sun 太阳向点 Sun-shrooms give small sun at first and normal sun later. 阳光蘑菇开始时只给予少量阳光,稍后即会恢复正常
2012-07-08 -
胆小蘑菇的英文: Scaredy-shroom(植物大战僵尸中的角色,胆小蘑菇能够远距离射击,但在敌人靠近时会躲起来。)参考例句: Scaredy-shrooms are long-ranged shooters that hide when enemies get near them. 胆小蘑菇能够远距离射击,不蘑菇的英文: Scaredy-shroom(植物大战僵尸中的角色,胆小蘑菇过当敌人靠近时,他们会躲起来。scaredy是什么意思: cat='fraid cat Scaredy-shrooms are long-ranged shooters that hide when enemies get near them. 胆小蘑菇能够远距离射击,不过当敌人
2012-06-27 -
忌廉蘑菇汤的英文: cream of mushroom soupcream是什么意思: n. 奶油;乳霜;护肤霜;奶油色;精华 v. 把…搅成糊状;提取(精华) adj. 奶油色的 Desserts are served with cream or ice cream. 甜点上加奶油或冰激凌。 I prefer to have ice cream and a cup of coffee with cream. 我要一份冰淇淋和一杯加奶油的咖啡。 Do you wanna cream the coffee? 咖啡里要加奶油吗?mushroom是什么意思: n. 蘑菇,伞菌 adj. 蘑菇
2012-06-30 -
催眠蘑菇的英文: Hypno-shroom(植物大战僵尸中的角色,被吃掉后,催眠蘑菇会让僵尸转蘑菇的英文: Hypno-shroom(植物大战僵尸中的角色,被吃掉后,催眠蘑菇而为你而战。)参考例句: When eaten, Hypno-shrooms will make a zombie turn around and fight for you. 被吃掉后,催眠蘑菇会让僵尸转而为你而战。shroom是什么意思: n. 迷幻蘑菇 v. 食用迷幻蘑菇 Puff-shrooms are cheap, but can only fire a short distance. 喷射蘑菇很便宜,但射程也短。 Sun-shrooms give small sun at first
2012-06-27 -
烟雾蘑菇的英文: Fume-shroom(植物大战僵尸中的角色,喷射的烟雾可以穿透铁栅门。)参考例句: Fume-shrooms shoot fumes that can pass through screen doors. 烟雾蘑菇喷射的烟雾可以穿透铁栅门。fume是什么意思: v. 发怒;冒烟;烟熏 n. 烟;愤怒 .Mother was in a fume this morning 今天早上妈妈很生气。 The ground was hidden by a white fume. 地面上笼罩着一层白色的水汽。 The old man fumed and threatened. 这个老头