• 蒜蓉西兰花的英文怎么说

    蒜蓉西兰花的英文: Sauteed Broccoli with Garlicsauteed是什么意思: v. 炒;嫩煎 adj. 炒的;嫩煎的 I like saute prawns in butter sauce. 我喜欢吃黄油汁煎大虾。 We saute vegetables very quickly in a small amount of oil. 我们用少量油将蔬菜很快一炒。 Add also the carrots and celery, saute for 3 more minutes. 同时放入红萝卜及西芹再炒3分钟。broccoli是什么意思: n. 球花甘蓝,西兰花 Cream of broccoli soup 忌廉西兰花汤 BROCCOLI WITH MUSEED GARLIC 蒜泥西兰花 Eye broccoli is the exact opposite of eye candy. Eye broccoli 和 eye candy(外表悦目的人)意思相反。garlic是什么意思: n. 1.[U]蒜,大蒜,蒜头 He is pestling garlic. 他在捣蒜。 BROCCOLI WITH MUSEED GARLIC 蒜泥西兰花 This salad tastes of garlic. 这色拉有大蒜味。 到沪江小D查看蒜蓉西兰花的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 蒜蓉蟠龙虾的英文怎么说>> 蒜蓉牛柳条的英文怎么说>> 蒜蓉开边蒸生中虾的英文怎么说>> 蒜蓉芥蓝的英文怎么说>> 蒜蓉豆苗的英文怎么说>>

  • 西兰花的英文单词是什么

    美味。 健康与活力: 西兰花因其丰富的营养成分被认为是健康和活力的象征,人们常将其与健康饮食联系在一起。 美味与创意: 西兰花的多样烹饪方式反映了人们对美味和创意的追求,也体现了对食物美感的重视。 5. 西兰花的英语学习与应用 学习西兰花的英文单词 “Broccoli” 不仅可以增加词汇量,还可以了解其在英语文化中的地位和象征意义。在英语学习和日常交流中,可以运用 “Broccoli” 这个单词来描述食物、谈论健康饮食等话题,增强语言应用能力。   通过对西兰花英文单词 “Broccoli” 的介绍,我们不仅了解了其发音和拼写,还深入了解了西兰花的起源、种类以及在英语文化中的地位和象征意义。掌握这个单词,不仅可以丰富英语词汇,还可以更好地理解和运用英语语言与文化。 通过学习这篇文章,希兰花在英语中被称为 “Broccoli”。除了介绍这个单词的发音和拼写之外,我们还将深入探讨西兰花望你对西兰花的英文单词以及与之相关的知识有更深入的了解,也能够在英语交流中更加自如地运用相关词汇。   如果您对英语学习感兴趣,想要深入学习,可以了解沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学,扫一扫领200畅学卡。

  • 兰花大虾球的英文怎么说

    BROCCOLI WITH MUSEED GARLIC 蒜泥西兰花 Eye broccoli is the exact opposite of eye candy. Eye broccoli 和 eye candy(外表悦目的人)意思相反。 到沪江小D查看兰花大虾球的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 兰花的英文怎么说>> 兰带马爹利的英文怎么说>> 赖校族的英文怎么说>> 赖皮的英文怎么说>> 赖床用英语怎么说>>

  • 绿色蔬菜:西兰花和花椰菜(2)

    绿色蔬菜:西兰花和花椰菜 Hints: mulch cauliflower broccoli Vincent Fritz University of Minnesota Extension Both crops grow best in sunshine and fertile, moist soil. But water should not be standing on the soil. Using mulch helps keep the ground moist and cool. Mulch also helps feed the soil and controls weeds. Broccoli and cauliflower can grow outdoors from seed or as small plants. Vincent Fritz of the U… 这两种作物最适合生长在光照充足、肥沃潮湿的土壤中。但是土壤上不能存水过多。应使用盖土来帮助保持地兰花面的湿爽。盖土还可以滋养土壤和抑制杂草。西兰花和花椰菜的种子或者幼苗可以在户外种植。明尼苏达推广大学的文森特弗里茨说,用幼苗种植的效果要好的多。他说,种植蔬菜应该保证它在最热的天气到来前可以收割。 专家… 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 绿色蔬菜:西兰花和花椰菜(3)

    西兰花和花椰菜——菜尖最兰花美味 Hints: broccoli cauliflower As it grows, a cauliflower plant will start to form a head. The head contains flower buds that are tightly closed and at least 2 leaves wrapping it. Gather and tie the leaves over the head, and do not wait for the buds to separate before harvesting. Harvest the center flower-bud cluster of broccoli… 在花椰菜开始生长的时候,最开始会长出一个菜尖。菜尖里有紧紧裹住的花蕾和至少两片包住花蕾的叶子。它们紧紧包裹住菜尖,防止花蕾在成熟之前分离。 当它长到你希望的大小并且花蕾群仍紧紧的靠在一起时,就可以把他们收割了。在菜尖下方12-15厘米处把主茎割断就可以了。 你可以生吃西兰花和花椰菜,或者用少量的水清煮,再或… 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 英警察变身护花使者:稀有兰花由警力护驾

    [en]The Lady’s [w]Slipper[/w] orchid is at the centre of a major security operation as cuttings can change hands for up to £5,000 among collectors.[/en] [cn]玉女拖鞋兰

  • 【CRI】超级西兰花面市 心脏病、癌症新克星 (有声)

    英国科学家经过14年努力,借助杂交手段,培育出一种“超级西兰花”,有助于预防心脏病。这种西兰花的“超级”之处不在于个头,而在于营养物质含量--硫代葡萄糖苷含量是普通西兰花的2至3倍,对预防心脏病和一些癌症具有一定效果。 The specially developed broccoli called Benforte was developed from an especially bitter, wild variety from Italy. According to scientists at the Institute of Food Research, the wild variety has more glucoraphenin. They say this naturally occurring compound transforms in the [w]gut[/w] forming another substance which can reduce [w]inflammation[/w] and stop the uncontrolled cell division which occurs in the early stages of cancer. Unlike drugs which target one thing, when glucoraphenin is broken down it makes another compound called [w]sulphoraphane[/w]. This travels through the gut wall to the bloodstream, which carries it round the body. As it comes into contact with our cells it switches on our [w]detoxification[/w] system, suppresses cell multiplication which leads to [w]hormonal[/w] cancers and reduces the [w]chronic[/w] [w]inflammatory[/w] responses we tend to suffer as we get older. The broccoli research was led by the Institute's Professor Richard Mithen. He says he and colleagues cross-bred traditional British broccoli with the Sicilian variety which has no flowery head, but a big dose of [w]glucoraphenin[/w]. "When you eat this broccoli, what this does is it helps your fat to [w]metabolize[/w] much faster and so you get a decrease in a certain number of fats, particularly one called [w]cholesterol[/w], LDL (low density [w]lipoprotein[/w]) cholesterol. So, you get a reduction in cholesterol in your blood stream and that means you're less likely to suffer from [w]atherosclerosis[/w] and thickening of the [w]artery[/w]." But if we can boost the benefits of broccoli, why aren't there other disease [w=bust]busting[/w] vegetables? Dieticians dismiss the notion of super foods because usually, all healthy fruit and vegetables are beneficial. According to Mithen the new broccoli has become more like something you'd find in a medicine cabinet. "Many people would say these vegetables are a medicine cabinet already and certainly there's lots of evidence that if you eat a variety of vegetables you're likely to maintain good health. Now, it's probably true that each of these individual vegetables are different chemicals which if we slightly increase may enhance the health, but actually we don't really have much knowledge about which ones at the moment." A lot of study has been focused on broccoli, but scientists like Mithen argue much more research needs to be done in order to find out the concentrated effects of compounds found in other fresh groceries. For CRI, I am Li Dong. 声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。"沪江网"高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。

  • 《苍兰诀》将迎来大结局,小兰花还会回来吗?

    仅对东方青苍的各种攻势置之不理,同时还将要与长珩仙君(张凌赫饰)履行婚约,这肯定是让一众“棣欣引力”CP粉无法接受的,他们俩甜甜的恋爱谈的好好的,突然换个人是咋回事? 可以发现在王鹤棣更新的微博中,他放了一张小兰花的照片,并且还配上“浇水”的小贴纸,相信一直宠老婆的他肯定不会让小兰花就这样跟长珩仙君完婚的。 而且,我们也能从前面的剧情中发现一些小细节,从这些小细节里其实是能看出息芸并没有丧失自己是小兰花时的记忆的,也就是说如今的息芸实际上就是小兰花,她兰可能因为某种原因不想跟东方青苍相认。 在息芸刚回归时,她对神兽玄武说,“(现在)明白了什么是真正的爱与痛,什么该捧起,什么该放下。往后我将不再沉溺于一人的悲欢”。 说明她是有小兰花的记忆的,但她不得不放下这段美好回忆。 当东方青苍辛苦地熬来一碗百花粥给她喝时,她却一口也没喝,直接拒绝

  • 绿色蔬菜:西兰花和花椰菜(1)

    But these nutritious vegetables also come in more colorful versions. One kind of cauliflower, for example, is orange, and broccoli can be purple. B… 有人说,西兰花看上去很像小树,而菜花则像堆积在一起的云朵。他们认为西兰花只有绿色的,而菜花都是白色的。但这两种营养丰富的蔬菜也有很多其他的颜色。比如就有一种橙色的菜花,而西兰花也可能是紫色的。 西兰花和菜花富含维他命C、纤维及其他营养成分,属于最有营养价值的蔬菜。并且人们还相信它们含有某些抗癌症物质。… 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 各种花的英文单词你知道多少

    理解与花相关的文学、艺术和日常生活。 此外,学习这些花卉词汇还可以增强我们的英语词汇量,使我们在谈论自然和文化时更加自信。通过掌握这些花卉的英文名称,你可以在旅游、购物或社交活动中更加自如地交流。 如何学习和记忆花卉词汇 要学习和记忆这些花卉词汇,以下是一些建议: 视觉记忆: 通过图片或实际观察花朵来记忆单词,这样可以加深印象。 多样化练习: 使用这些花卉单词造句,或者在日常交流中尝试运用它们。 文化背景: 了解每种花的文化意义,这样不仅可以记忆单词,还可以了解更多文化知识。 通过以上的学习和练习,你可以掌握各种花的英文单词,并更花的英文深入地理解它们在英语文化中的意义。这将有助于你在日常交流和学习中更加自信地使用这些词汇。   如果您对英语学习感兴趣,想要深入学习,可以了解沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学,扫一扫领200畅学卡。