;堆积;倾斜转弯;筑堤;封炉火 issuing bank, opening bank 开证银行 To deposit in or as if in a bank. 存钱把钱存入或似乎存入银行 consortium Bank 国际银行财团 Bank of America merged with a rival bank. 美国银行与一家竞争银行合并了。 Smith banked $10000 at the Central Bank. 史密斯在中央银行存款1万美元。 到沪江小D查看付款行的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 付款方式的英文怎么说>> 付款的英文怎么说>> 付经理的英文怎么说>> 付汇的英文怎么说>> 付给用英语怎么说>>
draft under our irrevocable letter of credit. 我们的付款方式,是以不可撤消信用状汇票支付。pay是什么意思: n. 工资,薪金;报偿;惩罚 v. 付钱给;偿还;给予(注意等);致以(问候等);报偿;付款;值得 You have to pay storage. 你须缴纳保管费。 Unless paying by credit card, please pay in cash. 请付现金,除非使用信用卡。 wage [ pay ] scale 工资等级 Program a computer for pay calculations 为计算机计算工资作程序设计 to pay; to hand in; to render to 交纳 到沪江小D查看付款的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 付经理的英文怎么说>> 付汇的英文怎么说>> 付给用英语怎么说>> 付费频道的英文怎么说>> 付费门槛的英文怎么说>>
call for a moratorium on payment . 银行要求延缓款项偿付期。 This is called the down payment. 通常称为现付款。 The factory defaulted on the payment for the materials. 工厂买原料的钱迟迟不还。 到沪江小D查看付款方式的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 付款的英文怎么说>> 付经理的英文怎么说>> 付汇的英文怎么说>> 付给用英语怎么说>> 付费频道的英文怎么说>>
2012-06-28 -
卖方实际收到预付款之日起生效 An advance or a loan of funds, especially for services rendered to a government. 预支款预付款或贷款,尤指政府用于执行公务的 Specimen of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for Advance Payment Issued by Licensor's bank 许可方银行关于预付款的不可撤销保证函(格式) After receive your advance and whole styleses, my company instant forward" BOARDING CERTIFICATION". 在收到您的预付款和全款后,我公司即刻发送“乘船通知书”。 The advance payment and the Technical Service fee shall be paid by Documents against Payment (D/P). 预付款和技术服务费以付款交单(D/P)的方式支付。 The payment by the buyer was therefore an advance payment for an executory contract which the seller had not performed 买方所付之款项系为一份应于订立后再履行而卖方尚未履行的契约而约付的预付款。bargain是什么意思: n. 减价品,便宜货;协议;另外,而且,也 v. 讨价还价,商讨条件 It was a fabulous bargain. 这是一笔极好的买卖。 They considered the possibility of bargaining with the enemy 他们考虑与敌人谈判的可能性。 Make the best of a Bad Bargain 已然吃亏,尽力而为money是什么意思: n. 1.[U]钱,薪水,收入 2.[U]钱币,钞票 3.[U]财产,财富 4.[pl.]【旧】【法律】款项 Robin is the man for my money.(for my money正合我意) 罗宾正合我意 The avoidance of money is just as psychotic as being attached to money. 我可不这么认为。闭口不谈钱就像依赖钱一样是一种心理疾病。 get money by dishonest means 非法赚钱, 得付款的英文: bargain money imprest参考例句: Advance rental payment 租金预付款 Temporary advance "临时预支,临时预付款不义之财 imprest是什么意思: n. 预付款 a. 预付的 "imprest account, fund: An account or fund maintained for payments made in cash, commonly used as a petty cash fund. " 预支帐户:用来支付现金的帐户或基金,一般作为小额现金基金 到沪江小D查看预付款的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 预付的英文怎么说>> 预分用英语怎么说>> 预防为主、防治结合的政策用英语怎么说>> 预防的英文怎么说>> 预发消息;预写消息的英文怎么说>>
,报偿 The players struck their boss for the payment. 球员们为要求老板加薪而罢赛。 They have guaranteed prompt payment. 他们保证及时付款。 The bank call for a moratorium on payment . 银行要求延缓款项偿付期。 This is called the down payment. 通常称为现付款。 The factory defaulted on the payment for the materials. 工厂买原料的钱迟迟不还。 到沪江小D查看付款条件的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 付款授权书的英文怎么说>> 付款凭证的英文怎么说>> 付款行的英文怎么说>> 付款方式的英文怎么说>> 付款的英文怎么说>>
2012-06-28 -
应付款项的英文: payablespayables是什么意思: adj. 应付的,可付的;可获利的 The decrease in salary payable is $20. 应付工资减少额是20美元。 A 10% deposit is payable in advance. 须预付百分之十的押金。 The check is payable to bearer. 此支票是用来给持票人付款的。 Purchase tax was not payable on goods for export. 出口商品不需要交购买税。 Property tax is payable on all properties (and is akin to rates). 所有物产都应支付财产税(近付款项的英文: payablespayables是什么意思: adj. 应付的,可付的;可获利的 The decrease in salary payable is $20. 应付似的比率)。 到沪江小D查看应付款项的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 应付用英文怎么说>> 应对的英文怎么说>> 应得的英文怎么说>> 应当是的英文怎么说>> 应当用英文怎么说>>
2012-07-08 -
付款授权书的英文: authorization to paypay是什么意思: n. 工资,薪金;报偿;惩罚 v. 付钱给;偿还;给予(注意等);致以(问候等);报偿;付款;值得 You have to pay storage. 你须缴纳保管费。 Unless paying by credit card, please pay in cash. 请付现金,除非使用信用卡。 wage [ pay ] scale 工资等级 Program a computer for pay calculations 为计算机计算工资作程序设计 to pay; to hand in; to render to 交纳 到沪江小D查看付款授权书的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 付款凭证的英文怎么说>> 付款行的英文怎么说>> 付款方式的英文怎么说>> 付款的英文怎么说>> 付经理的英文怎么说>>
2012-06-28 -
cannot be met. 公司在发不出工资时给职员一定的凭证。 Is it necessary for a secretary to keep a receipt while he or she holds voucher? 对于秘书来说,当手里持有收据时,还有没有必要保存凭据呢? 到沪江小D查看付款凭证的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 付款行的英文怎么说>> 付款方式的英文怎么说>> 付款的英文怎么说>> 付经理的英文怎么说>> 付汇的英文怎么说>>
2012-06-28 -
冲抵预付款的英文: offset bargain moneyoffset是什么意思: n. 抵销,支派,旁支,平版印刷 v. 弥补,抵销 Web offset: Web press using the offset lithography process 卷筒纸柯式机:用柯式印刷原理施印的卷筒纸机。 Her virtues offset her fault. 她的美德弥补了她的缺点。 We offset the better roads against the greater distance. 我们以较好的道路来弥补较远距离带付款的英文: offset bargain moneyoffset是什么来之不便。bargain是什么意思: n. 减价品,便宜货;协议;另外,而且,也 v. 讨价还价,商讨条件 It was a fabulous bargain. 这是一笔极好的买卖。 They considered the possibility of bargaining with the enemy 他们考虑与敌人谈判的可能性。 Make the best of a Bad Bargain 已然吃亏,尽力而为money是什么意思: n. 1.[U]钱,薪水,收入 2.[U]钱币,钞票 3.[U]财产,财富 4.[pl.]【旧】【法律】款项 Robin is the man for my money.(for my money正合我意) 罗宾正合我意 The avoidance of money is just as psychotic as being attached to money. 我可不这么认为。闭口不谈钱就像依赖钱一样是一种心理疾病。 get money by dishonest means 非法赚钱, 得不义之财 到沪江小D查看冲抵预付款的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 冲淡用英文怎么说>> 冲刺阶段的英文怎么说>> 冲刺用英语怎么说>> 冲出用英文怎么说>> 冲程的英文怎么说>>
2012-06-26 -
. The medicine was an effective purge. 这是疗效很好的泻药。payment是什么意思: n. 付款,支付,收款;款额,款项;报答,报偿 The players struck their boss for the payment. 球员们为要求老板加薪而罢赛。 They have guaranteed prompt payment. 他们保证及时付款。 The bank call for a moratorium on payment . 银行要求延缓款项偿付期。 This is called the down payment. 通常称为现付款。 The factory defaulted on the payment for the materials. 工厂买原料的钱迟迟不还。 到沪江小D查看支付款项的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 支付矩阵的英文怎么说>> 支付货币的英文怎么说>> 支付国债利息的英文怎么说>> 支付方法的英文怎么说>> 支付的价格更高的英文怎么说>>