• 残损的英文怎么说

    残损的英文: damage参考例句: The drums of paint were differentiated from the damaged and then weighed on the tested scales respectively. 桶装油漆按残损程度分开,然后以校准之衡器过重。 Checking whether the exterior and package of the used mechanical and electrical products imported have defects or damage 检验进口旧机电产品的外观和包装状况是否存在外观缺陷、残损等damage是什么意思: n. 损害;伤害;赔偿金 v. 损害,损坏 respond in damages 承担赔偿责任,vt.1. 以...回答[+that]n.1. 【宗】(会众对牧师的)应答,唱和,2. 【建】壁联 The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 这次的损害大部分容易补救。 These goods were damaged in transit. 这些货物在运输过程中损坏了。 The parcel was damaged in the post. 包裹在邮寄中损坏了. loss and damage or delay of goods. 贷物的损失、损坏或交付延误。 到沪江小D查看残损的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 残生的英文怎么说>> 残杀的英文怎么说>> 残忍的人的英文怎么说>> 残忍的的英文怎么说>> 残忍的英文怎么说>>

  • 野兽食害的英文怎么说

    officially in the Olympics Games. 从羽毛球列为奥运项目以来,他们便走了下坡路。 They gained the game with ease. 他们很轻松地赢得了这场比赛。 到沪江小D查看野兽食害的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 野兽派的的英文怎么说>> 野兽用英语怎么说>> 野生菌烩乌鱼片的英文怎么说>> 野生动物恐惧症的英文怎么说>> 野生用英语怎么说>>

  • 害用英语怎么说

    怕了。 The house is infested with rats. 家中受老鼠扰害。 He that mischief hatches, mischief catches. 害人者终将害己。 She was struck dumb with fear. 她害害的英文: harm harmful impair kill suffer from feel参考例句: To oppress the masses 压害百姓 "It is a malady that one gets without knowing how." “就这样害的,那种病。” Cut off one's nose to spite one's face "(为了泄忿反而害己)," Mary owns to being afraid. 玛丽承认她害怕了。 The house is infested with rats. 家中受老鼠扰害。 He that mischief hatches, mischief catches. 害人者终将害己。 She was struck dumb with fear. 她害怕得说不出话。 These beetles are a blight to cotton. 这些甲虫是棉花的大害。 Animal and vegetable pests spread with extreme rapidity . 动植物疫害传播极快。 I can't do it. I'm too scared. 我没办法做,我太害怕了。 harm是什么意思: v. 伤害 n. 损害 It will do harm. 它会引起害处的。 Good counsel

  • 破损修理的英文怎么说

    破损修理的英文: breakdown repairbreakdown是什么意思: n. 故障;崩溃;破裂;分类;分解;衰竭,衰弱 The action have no breakdown. 此活动部件没有故障。 When does the breakdown happen easily? 什么时候容易发生故障? Could you give me a breakdown of the costs? 你能损修理的英文: breakdown repairbreakdown是什么给我一份费用的细目分类吗? Catalase catalyes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. 过氧化氢酶催化过氧化氢的分解。 Our car had a breakdown on the motorway. 我们的汽车在高速公路上抛锚了。repair是什么意思: v. 修理;补救;修复 n. 修理,修补;修补部位;维修费 The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 这次的损害大部分容易补救。 It must be repaired by a qualified worker. 这个应由专业人员来维修。 He disassembled a car for repairing. 他把汽车拆开进行修理。 The dome of the church is under repair. 教堂的圆顶在修。 The house is in want of repair. 这屋子需要修理了。 到沪江小D查看破损修理的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 破损稳定的英文怎么说>> 破损通知单的英文怎么说>> 破损的英文怎么说>> 破碎家庭的英文怎么说>> 破碎的英文怎么说>>

  • 磨损的英文怎么说


  • 祸害的英文怎么说

    The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 这次的损害大部分容易补救。 These goods were damaged in transit. 这些货物在运输过程中损坏了。 到沪江小D查看祸害的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 祸国殃民的英文怎么说>> 祸根的英文怎么说>> 祸从口出的英文怎么说>> 貨物用英语怎么说>> 获准的英文怎么说>>

  • 损人利己的英文怎么说

    能做损人利己的事。 Is aggression an essential part of the human psyche? 损人利己是否是人心灵的主宰? The only rule of the market place was dog-eat-dog 市场上的唯一准则是损人利己。 Short selling is disruptive speculation that requires someone else to lose 买空卖空是破坏性很大的投机勾当,总要导致损人利己的结果。 到沪江小D查看损人利己的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 损坏的英文怎么说>> 损耗的英文怎么说>> 损害通知书的英文怎么说>> 损害国家声誉的英文怎么说>> 损害公共利益的英文怎么说>>

  • 有损的英语怎么说

    a prejudice in our favor. 他对我们有偏爱。 You should oppose reason to prejudice. 你应以理智对抗偏见。 到沪江小D查看有损的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 有思想的用英文怎么说>> 有数的英文怎么说>> 有恃无恐的英文>> 有事的英文怎么说>> 有时候的英文怎么说>>

  • 害人害己用英文怎么说

    己。harm是什么意思: v. 伤害 n. 损害 It will do harm. 它会引起害处的。 Good counsel does no harm 忠言无害 Shit is harmful to your health. 毒品对健康有害。set是什么意思: v. 放置;点缀;树立;凝固;落,沉;使坐落;点燃;结果 n. 一套;装置;布景;凝结,凝固;集,集合 adj. 规定的;固定的,不变的;固执的;顽固的;准备好的,安排好的 perseverative set 固着心向 plastometric set 塑性变形 A coded character set whose character set is an alphabetic character set 一种编码字符集,它的字符集是一种字母字符集。get是什么意思: v. 得到;抓住;获得;受到(惩罚);说服;到达,来;变得,变成;设法;开始 n. 幼兽;生殖 Get to the bottom of 弄个水落石出 Saving is getting 节约等于收入 It was getting dark. 天色渐暗。 到沪江小D查看害人害己的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 害人虫的英文怎么说>> 害群之马的英文怎么说>> 害怕做某事的英文>> 害怕的的英文怎么说>> 害怕的英文>>

  • 有侵害的的英文怎么说

    有侵害的的英文: prejudicious参考例句: In the action for trespass brought by Mr White against his neighbour,the neighbour put in a plea of blank bar. 怀特先生指控他邻居有侵害行为,这位邻居则提出要求说明侵害所在的抗辩。 They hope to create allies to unleash against diseases, pests, and invasive species 他们希望创造出一些新群体来对付疾病、害虫和一些有侵害性的物种。prejudicious是什么意思: adj. 不利的 有害的的英文: prejudicious参考例句: In the action for trespass brought by Mr White against his neighbour,the neighbour put in a plea of blank bar. 怀特先生指控他邻居有侵害损害的,有侵害的 A trial that becomes invalid because of basic prejudicial error in procedure. 无效审判由于审判过程中根本性的偏见性错误而变得无效的审判 Reporters were expelled from the courtroom after it was decided that their coverage had resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant. 在他们的报道被认定已造成了对被告的不利宣传之后记者们被驱逐出法庭 到沪江小D查看有侵害的的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 有钱能使鬼推磨的英文怎么说>> 有钱的英文>> 有其父必有其子的英文怎么说>> 有七条柱子的建筑物的英文怎么说>> 有屏蔽的英文>>