Artist:Ben Kweller
Song:Hurting You

where is life,smile life

where you take it to

I never thought that anything could hurt you

tell me everything you are going through

I never thought that anything could hurt you

Don't forget yourself child

you are the only thing that I can pull it through

we are helpless without you

come back to us
with that smile you always do
I never thought that anything could hurt you

something came in
you change your pretty point of view
I never thought that anything could hurt you

don't forget yourself child
you are the only thing that I can pull it through
we are helpless without you

Hey now wake up
we need you
come on
pulling it though
cause right now everything is hurting you


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    少年时代的Ben Kweller就一直担当一个名为Radish的主唱兼制作人,据说Radish因为一度模仿Nirvana,而遭到当时评论界的恶评,于93年解散。即使如此,Ben和乐队贝司手Bryan Blur,鼓手John Kent仍然立马被主流厂牌Mercury Records签下,可见那个时候,只有12岁的小本同学就已经算是个音乐神童了。可惜之后唱片销量一直不佳,本同学不得不于01年签约ATO Records唱片公司,开始自己的单飞创作生涯。发行了两张两张口碑极佳的专辑:《Sha Sha》(2002),《On My Way》(2004),受到Rolling Stone,Q, NME等大牌杂志的好评。

   Ben Kweller酷似Lemonheads的声线;曲风又似乎是Elliott Smith、Beck、Ben Folds、Weezer的混合体;20多岁,游走在成熟和稚嫩之间心态的歌词,让Ben Kweller有着自己的特色,温馨而美好,令人不禁莞尓。

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