
Confuse and surprise us
Do not verify the dung and be sophisticated
Be a rebel and be sexy, be a good mother
A faithful wife, and rational, be true to your ideals

Be understanding, be creative and exciting
Pound to fruition, on a diet, don't be lazy
Optimum conditions, at the top, palm the dream
Make sure to relieve your mind

Euphonic sounds get in my ear
(Years are beyond)  my dear is here
Misery loves me, I love you

Passion must remain in memory

Clean the apartment, throw a party, don't be shy
Maintain a converstation, develop taste in art
And read a book of Jean Paul Sartre, Wittgenstein, Jung, and Freud
(Misery) in your temper

Stay in this complete simplicity

Euphonic sounds get in my ear
(Years are beyond) my dear is here
(Years are beyond) my dear is here

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    Komeda - 来自于瑞典的独立摇滚乐队,成立于1991年。
    乐队取名为「Komeda」是为了纪念1960年代来自波兰的电影配乐大师「Krzysztof Komeda」。或许是因仰慕 Krzysztof Komeda,其作品除了常见电影手法的铺陈架构之外,他们也以「Projektor 7」之名为电影进行后制配乐的工作。
    我们无论从任何角度来观察 Komeda 的作品,都可轻易发现他们醉心于整个1960年代氛围的影响,自由而天真,就连主唱 Lena Karlsson 的歌声都有着旧时光的怀旧情感。Komeda 以朴实的架构铺陈,融合了摇滚、民谣与流行与些许的电子。他们的作品简单易懂,却又让人印象深刻,彷佛身处污浊都市丛林中,喜见一弯清流般的令人身心舒畅。
    Komeda 自1991年成军以来,至今总共不过发行了四张专辑作品。1998年的专辑《What Makes It Go?》是他们所发行的第三张专辑,也是我个人认为在他们作品中最好的一张代表作。