7. 像麦粒一样穿!Miley Cyrus: Wrecking Ball

What to wear: A white crop tank, white underwear (or bikini bottoms), combat boots, and red lipstick. Carry around a sledgehammer.

How to act: Vulnerable yet powerful.

8. 像 S 妞一样穿!Selena Gomez: Come and Get it

What to wear: A black, lacy bodysuit, a floor-length see-through skirt, and gold jewelry. Pair with red lips and black heels.

How to act: Sexy, seductive, and confident.

9. 像罗宾·西克一样穿!Robin Thicke: Blurred Lines

What to wear: Wear a white bathing suit with clear plastic over it (hell, you could even use saran wrap). Accessorize with gold scrunchies, gold jewelry, and gold chains.

How to act: Like you're sexy and you want to be dominated.

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